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Offline SachsGS

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2011, 08:51:10 AM »
As someone who has ridden and raced Maicos for almost two decades,Koestler Maicos the last 9 years,could someone please enlighten me as to when and how Maico International became the defacto manufacturers and global suppliers of this legendary marque?Please bear in mind that at this moment I can order a motorcycle from the German firm,a company that has ties to the brand that go back to the gearbox fiascos of 1983.

In their latest press release MI states that they ALMOST have possession of the Maico trademark ,a make that has "been defunct since 1999" and no mention is made of the Koestler Maicos they have been marketing the last few years and that have been in production since 1999.If MI is successful what follows next,a witch hunt to prevent Koestler,Maico Only and Wulfsport from using the name?

It is plain to see from forum communications that the questionable business practices of MI are upsetting more then a few Maico afficionados like myself.I don't think they have been honest in their quest to take control of the German marque and indeed bear more then a fleeting resemblance to the hollow hype of the Dutch Rodem days.I willingly acknowledge that Maico needs an infusion of technology and appreciate that firms such as Rodem and Maico International are willing to make that investment.What I don't need is the "Snake oil salesman" business ethics and practices that seem so prevalent these days.

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2011, 02:04:18 PM »
X2 on that.

I think they are having internet problems,
that's why they let others do the talking, in a mysterious way i should add.
The Maico International website hasn't changed.
And i thought those people have an account on this forum.
Why don't they speak for themselves? And let the interested fans know what's going on...

I know 2 guys wich were really interested in these (possibly) great bikes!
They both waited till the beginning of this month.
Both have now given up the wait.
One ordered a new GasGas 300EC, the other just picked up a slighty used 2009 TM300.

Offline TMKIWI

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2011, 06:56:12 PM »
Agreed.The US borders have been all but closed to trade in the last couple years.Just ask the Chinese. ::)

Some people don't get you sarcasm ford. ;)
Notice the wink. :P
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Offline JETZcorp

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2011, 10:23:01 PM »
If they made Maicos in the jungles of Colombia there wouldn't be any problem getting them over the border!  You might have to hose off some of the mysterious white powder before riding it, though.

Is this Maico a 440 or only a 400?  Well in all the confusion, I forgot myself.
But considering this is a 1978 Magnum, the best-handling bike in the world, you have to ask yourself one question.
Do you feel lucky, punk?

Offline JohnN

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #19 on: March 19, 2011, 06:37:59 AM »
Such hostility... honestly I'm surprised...

Have any of you called or written to Maico International about your concerns? Have you contacted Rich Winkler from Dirt Wurx if you live in the states and want a Maico? Have you contacted Koestler in Germany?

Because from some of the questions stated here, Maico International should run their business the way you see fit. Some of what was written on this thread is very destructive. I thought we were all two-stroke lovers and wanted to see more manufacturers, not less... maybe I'm wrong...

For those that say there are no photos of the  new Maico, have you become a fan of Maico International on Facebook? If so, you may have seen this photo taken on Thursday with a cell phone....

But I'm sure there will be all kinds of speculation and additional negativity no matter what is shown.

Like I said there's more to this story. A big monkey wrench was thrown into the works in late December. This has been the biggest setback...

But just a little question for you... who thinks Koestler ever owned the Maico brand name?
« Last Edit: March 19, 2011, 06:39:45 AM by John Nicholas »
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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #20 on: March 19, 2011, 06:55:20 AM »
John it's great to see you still around here!!!!  You're awesome....people will eat words :-*  we're planning a tsm ride day at budds creek should come down!!!

Offline JohnN

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2011, 07:25:22 AM »
Thanks Dirty Girl.

I can't believe I'm so riled up... but I have a bunch more to say, but I'll start another thread for that one.

Please let me know when you have the date set for the ride day, I'd love to come down and take photos.
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Offline SachsGS

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #22 on: March 19, 2011, 09:03:29 AM »
One must distinguish between what is destructive and what is the truth,however hard it may be to hear.I repeat,who said Maicos are now made in England when I can purchase a Maico made in Germany by Koestler?When the gentleman in South Africa purchased his used 700 Maico and requested information about the bike why was it that members of this site informed him of the existence of Koestler Maico (indeed the company that made his motorcycle)?This information apparently was not forthcoming from Maico International.

 I suspect legal battles are "abrewing" and MI's frantic search for ownership of the Maico trademark will be related to this quagmire.I honestly believe that MI misjudged the depth of loyalty that Maico owners display towards their steeds and they may have already shot themselves in the foot.I myself will take my business else where.

All we ask for,if I my speak on behalf of fellow members,is a little honesty, a commodity that apparently is in short supply when dealing with MI.And yes,I have contacted Koestler Maico. :-[

Offline JohnN

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2011, 09:30:19 AM »
Strange as it may seem, there are no "legal" battles brewing. The Maico trademark ownership is known and it's not by whom many people think.

Maico International began as a distributor of Maico motorcycles. Vince cares about the brand and has a passion to see it grow and for R&D to be invested in the machine.

The machines that Koestler sells are from the parts that he purchased way back when. Nothing has changed on those machines. Yes you can still buy them.

The machines that you can buy from Maico International are updated in many ways, with options to customize the machine they way that you like it.

Rich Winkler is the US Distributor for Maioc International. Do you really think that he would sign an agreement without knowing what's important?

You say that there is no honesty when dealing with MI. Could you please explain that in a little more detail? For instance did you contact them and they were not honest with you? Just curious.
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Offline SachsGS

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2011, 11:55:24 AM »
 While the changes have not been major Koestler has been updating the Maicos he sells.One could argue that the changes to Gas Gas 2Ts have not been major since their inception circa 1998/1999.As well,I cannot comment on Rich Winkler as I do not know the man.

 I am first to admit that I am guilty of a lack of communication with Maico International but at this stage of the game I have no desire to correspond with them.

 All I'm asking for is transparency,precisely when and how did MI become Maico?Surely the the people at MI would have come to some kind of agreement with Koestler before declaring themselves the owners of the brand known as Maico and we would not have the make being simultaneously  manufactured by two different companies in two different countries. 

Offline JohnN

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #25 on: March 19, 2011, 12:34:35 PM »
SachGS - It's not that I don't understand your concerns, because I do understand.

Even though we see things differently, I appreciate that we remained respectful during our interchange.

As for Rich Winkler, he currently owns a company called Dirt Wurx. His company builds the Supercross tracks for Pro racing. Also does the tracks for Monster trucks.

Check out his web site.
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Offline metal_miracle

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #26 on: March 19, 2011, 02:13:28 PM »
I was really looking forward to the new maicos
and did try to contact mi but did not get a answer.

since the season is just starting. if i had waited for a maico i would been whitout a bike
and now the money i save is spent on another brand.

what i am saying the longer they wait the more look for other brands

Offline SachsGS

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #27 on: March 19, 2011, 02:26:21 PM »
John,I have always had the utmost respect for you and TSM. ;D


Offline ford832

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #28 on: March 19, 2011, 02:42:19 PM »
Agreed.The US borders have been all but closed to trade in the last couple years.Just ask the Chinese. ::)

Some people don't get you sarcasm ford. ;)
Notice the wink. :P

As always,my wit and wisdom are under appreciated ;D
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Offline Bioflex

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #29 on: March 20, 2011, 03:07:31 AM »
It is odd John you are suggesting the members questioning MI are the ones out of line here, yet it seems we all feel the same way ( in that many of us are frustrating).

I have contacted Axel Kostler, as I have bought a few parts from him over the last 18 months and did contact MI some time back, and received a response which was appreciated.
The issue we have is simple, we waited with great anticipation for the new bikes (which it was clearly implied would be released early in the new year), we are now almost in April, yet they aren't ready and we have heard nothing.

John, I have a few questions for you.

Do you think MI should let potential buyers know what is going on?

Do you think it is fair that we expect this to come in the way of a press release given it appears it is their preferred mode of communication?

Can you appreciate why people are dissapointed the release of these bikes are so late?

The way I am reading your posts it is as if companies such as MI have no obligation to the people who follows their progress, those same people who will end up being potential buyers.

As for MI running the business the way some of us see fit, it may come as a surprise that some of the members here run very successful business, and thus see the need for companies to be up front with customers and that their is an expectation that customers demand a certain level of service (which in this case is the desire for information).

A press release late December letting everyone know there had been some delays (after they encountered the mysterious problems) but they were still on track would have been very simple and would have made the world of difference to peoples attitudes.

Sure some people would still be frustrated but I am sure most of us would feel a lot better as we are being kept in the loop.