I think that people have a right to ask questions.
Maico International have made a lot of statements about their doings and the future of Maicos, garnering a lot of interest.
They don't deliver on what they have lead people to think is going to happen.
Well, that's not at all unusual, it happens.
They have no obligation to give Exact details of what is happening, and, indeed, when it comes to the legal process, that is a very unwise thing to do.
But they have not handled it particularly well. They should have put out (if they did, I missed it) a reasonably clear statement, saying there were problems / negotiations, whatever wording suits, on their website, and by press release, and updated them. ***There's The Key - Updating Information***. That would have lessened the confusion / backlash that has arisen around the current set backs. It would have been wise to have put in as much effort with allaying potential customers concerns as they made with extolling the things to come, earlier on.
With respect, John, putting in cryptic comments that you knew what was going on, made things worse, and drew you into the maelstrom. You then become, to quite a few, the 'talking head' with regards to MI, however incorrect that may be. I feel for you sport, but you drew fire down on yourself. MI should be the ones dealing with potential customers concerns. You should have left your friend Vince to deal with this.
This is a site, created by you, John, that celebrates the 2t. And it's a great one. So, it is a great site to promote an upcoming 2t on, which MI did. Thus creating significant interest. There are a fair few people that peruse this site, that are potential customers, be they former (or current) Maico owners, or those that may well end up being a New Maico owner.
Just from the evidence of the dissapointment / disillusionment amongst Maico devotees on this site, one can see the damage being done to MI's business and reputation.
John, it's noble to defend a friend, but in this sort of matter, it's a precarious thing to do. It would have been wiser to leave him to do so, if he saw fit to do so.
As for things being said being 'near slanderous', well, being slanderous is the thing that courts decide. Near slanderous, is not a concrete thing - it's the 'near slandered' individuals take on it. For others, it will be regarded as valid opinions. I've been caught up in some legal difficulties, that were found in my favour, but in the process, I learned to be very careful with what I wrote , or said - it's a nasty business, the law.
I'm a former Maico owner, of an age that can recall the glory years of Maico. And, I have the money to spend on a bike that will, undoubtedly, be a pricey thing. But, with all the various PR releases, that really showed buggerall, with respect to the 'great things to come' for 2011, and the ill handling of the delays, I will be holding back from voting with my dollar, when, and if, MI come out with a bike. I find myself, having gone from being an eager and expectant buyer of MIs products, to being one that is now going to sit back and see if they can be a long term business. And I've Never been a 'fence sitter' before. If enough devoted Maico people have been influenced by all this to elect for my option, it would represent a big loss to Maico International, with regards to bike sales.
I'd dearly love to have my fears and thoughts allayed as to Maicos future, but I won't hold my breathe.
But I fervently, and truly, hope I'm made to look like a doubting Thomas, as soon as possible.