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Offline JETZcorp

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #30 on: March 20, 2011, 04:10:00 AM »
1) Maico International makes claims about the new bike which they anticipate to be ready in early 2011.
2) Everyone gets all excited.
3) Something happens, causing a major delay from Maico Int'l.
4) Time comes for the bike to be released.  Bike is not released.  No information is given.
5) Disappointed observers/customers begin rabbling on forum.
6) John, who apparently has inside knowledge, assures forum that things are being worked on.  Details are vague.
7) Forum continues rabbling.

This is my interpretation of the series of events that's gone on so far.  Now here's my recommendation.  I say everyone should just shut the hell up about this whole thing, and let Maico International hammer out whatever needs to be hammered out.  We will hear something eventually, and at that time, we can decide whether or not it made sense for them to act the way they have.  For all we know, the CIA wants a fleet of Maico 700s to investigate terrorist activity on Mars; it wouldn't contradict any of the information we've received so far.

Right now, everyone who has inside information or is in the know, is either saying nothing, or only giving vague statements, but remain on MI's side.  Almost everyone who isn't on the inside, and doesn't have any inside information, is gathering at the gate with torches and pitchforks.  Now I don't know about you, but that indicates to me that whatever is going on to cause this delay, is heavy enough that it makes sense not to tell us at this point.  What that could be, I have no idea, and I'm therefore not going to pass judgement on it until I actually know what happened.  John appears to still be on Maico's side, and I don't see any reason he would be if it appeared to him that these people were truly doing something malicious or horribly incompetent, and right now his word is practically all I have to go on.  Until we get more information, all we can do is make wild guesses about what's actually going on, or admit agnosticism for the moment.

All that said, I'll be interested to hear precisely what was so god damned important that it could've caused all this.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2011, 04:11:32 AM by JETZcorp »

Is this Maico a 440 or only a 400?  Well in all the confusion, I forgot myself.
But considering this is a 1978 Magnum, the best-handling bike in the world, you have to ask yourself one question.
Do you feel lucky, punk?

Offline ford832

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #31 on: March 20, 2011, 04:35:25 AM »
I was quite interested when all this first came about on here.I've always been a sucker for something different and happen to like euro stuff.I had one of the first KTM's and Husabergs in this area-at a time when people would look at them and say"What the H is that?"
I was leaning towards a TM before the Maico info started trickling down the pipe but then thought maybe I'd get one of these instead.
With various companies seeming to own Maico and/or selling or distributing various versions of it coupled with the lack of info about MI's bike leaves me thinking that things are too disorganized or secretive for my liking or my ability to trust what they say down the road had I bought one.Naturally,they can do whatever they like and owe nobody anything until they release it but that's the end for me and I wouldn't touch one now with a 10 ft pole.One customer lost.My next will likely be a TM.
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Offline JohnN

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #32 on: March 20, 2011, 07:13:41 AM »
Do you think MI should let potential buyers know what is going on?

Do you think it is fair that we expect this to come in the way of a press release given it appears it is their preferred mode of communication?

Can you appreciate why people are dissapointed the release of these bikes are so late?

The simple answer to your question is YES. Because honestly I feel it's important as well.

It's true that Vince and I are friends but we don't always agree on how to handle certain situations. At the same time, I respect him and his take on how to handle his business.

What I have a problem with is nearly slanderous statements from my friends on here when all the information has not been made public. It's not that he is being secretive, but careful about the information he releases. This is damaging to all involved.

Believe me, I'd love for the information to be released immediately just as all of you do.

As for the bikes any of you choose to buy, I would never under any circumstance interfere with that. It's a completely personal.
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Offline ACMX

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #33 on: March 20, 2011, 11:21:38 PM »
All John is saying is that we are all entitled to our opinion, and we have the freedom to express that, but sometimes it is expressed in very negative ways. He understands why you are disappointed or frustrated, and why you are saying the things you are, but he know from personal preference that it really won't help the situation much if you keep expressing your opinions the way you are doing right now. There is a difference from slanderous comments and constructiveness. Correct me if I'm wrong... <-- Check it out! Now!

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Offline bearorso

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #34 on: March 21, 2011, 03:29:48 AM »
I think that people have a right to ask questions.

Maico International have made a lot of statements about their doings and the future of Maicos, garnering a lot of interest.

They don't deliver on what they have lead people to think is going to happen.

Well, that's not at all unusual, it happens.

They have no obligation to give Exact details of what is happening, and, indeed, when it comes to the legal process, that is a very unwise thing to do.

But they have not handled it particularly well. They should have put out (if they did, I missed it) a reasonably clear statement, saying there were problems / negotiations, whatever wording suits, on their website, and by press release, and updated them.  ***There's The Key - Updating Information***. That would have lessened the confusion / backlash that has arisen around the current set backs.  It would have been wise to have put in as much effort with allaying potential customers concerns as they made with extolling the things to come, earlier on.

With respect, John, putting in cryptic comments that you knew what was going on, made things worse, and drew you into the maelstrom. You then become, to quite a few, the 'talking head' with regards to MI, however incorrect that may be. I feel for you sport, but you drew fire down on yourself. MI should be the ones dealing with potential customers concerns. You should have left your friend Vince to deal with this.

This is a site, created by you, John, that celebrates the 2t. And it's a great one. So, it is a great site to promote an upcoming 2t on, which MI did. Thus creating significant interest. There are a fair few people that peruse this site, that are potential customers, be they former (or current) Maico owners, or those that may well end up being a New Maico owner.

Just from the evidence of the dissapointment / disillusionment amongst Maico devotees on this site, one can see the damage being done to MI's business and reputation.

John, it's noble to defend a friend, but in this sort of matter, it's a precarious thing to do. It would have been wiser to leave him to do so, if he saw fit to do so.

As for things being said being 'near slanderous', well, being slanderous is the thing that courts decide. Near slanderous, is not a concrete thing - it's the 'near slandered' individuals take on it. For others, it will be regarded as valid opinions. I've been caught up in some legal difficulties, that were found in my favour, but in the process, I learned to be very careful with what I wrote , or said - it's a nasty business, the law.

I'm a former Maico owner, of an age that can recall the glory years of Maico. And, I have the money to spend on a bike that will, undoubtedly, be a pricey thing. But, with all the various PR releases, that really showed buggerall, with respect to the 'great things to come' for 2011, and the ill handling of the delays, I will be holding back from voting with my dollar, when, and if, MI come out with a bike. I find myself, having gone from being an eager and expectant buyer of MIs products, to being one that is now going to sit back and see if they can be a long term business. And I've Never been a 'fence sitter' before. If enough devoted Maico people have been influenced by all this to elect for my option, it would represent a big loss to Maico International, with regards to bike sales.

I'd dearly love to have my fears and thoughts allayed as to Maicos future, but I won't hold my breathe.

But I fervently, and truly, hope I'm made to look like a doubting Thomas, as soon as possible.

Offline ford832

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #35 on: March 21, 2011, 04:14:21 AM »
Now I am lost.I haven't seen any comment here from myself or others that I'd consider even remotely slanderous-unless my understanding of the word isn't what it should be.Maybe it's not our place to question those so high above us in both intelligence and knowledge.In the future I resolve to do my best to keep my opinions and questions to myself-lest I unnecessarily offend one of my betters and be accused of slanderous intent. :-X
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Offline JohnN

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #36 on: March 21, 2011, 09:24:32 AM »
I thought it was helping the situation, could be wrong...

Stuck my foot in my mouth yet again!  :o

If I redirected the Maico wrath to myself because of what I wrote about this subject... well that's fine. If I was really concerned with what others thought, I would never post on the Internet.  ;D ;D

Maybe slanderous was the wrong word to use. My comments were not meant to chastise or stop any and all comments, I meant to say that some of what had been written was wrong, negative and less than helpful. Some of it appeared to be a roast of MI.

As mentioned before the criteria you use to choose a bike is yours.

Ford, please don't take this as an attack on you. Clearly if you have questions, ask. My only suggestion is to ask those who can answer those questions...

(ex.) When I have a question for the Governor of NY the only way to get the answer is to write to him, not post it on a forum. When posted on a forum, even if you know that person sometimes reads that forum, comes across as calling someone out. This is the biggest reason that nearly every Pro Motocross racer who starts posting on a forum ends up stopping. It's frustrating, because if you don't answer every single "call out" the rest of the rank and file jump onboard and start talking crap about them. A real lose-lose situation.

It's awesome that we can talk about this stuff, whether we agree or not and be civilized about it. Never mentioned that everyone had to believe and agree with me, just that there might be more to the story.

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Offline ford832

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Re: Maico Int'l Brand to UK
« Reply #37 on: March 21, 2011, 09:54:11 AM »
I didn't take it as an attack on me John.After rereading my own,it occurs to me maybe the wording isn't what it should be.
I look at forums as "discussion" vehicles and see nothing wrong with debating people,companies,politicians or whatever.Admittedly,I never contacted MI but others here who did got little in the way of info-which,of course,is their choice.
If for instance,I wanted to give my opinion of JS7 I would,as would others without contacting him directly as I'm sure you know how far that would get you.Without people posting their opinions,there would be little need for this "forum" or any other for that matter.
The gist of my previous post is that I have a problem when I'm told some areas of discussion are out of bounds or some people,companies etc are above being questioned by the great unwashed masses.When the average guy feels unable to freely give his reasonable opinion on any topic for fear of legal reprisals or worse,all is lost.
Da Comrades?  :)
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