well we got back from 3 great weeks in italy and spain , only got out on a supermoto 1 day while i was away so i couldnt wait to get out on the bike , mate flew over for the weekend we loaded up sat and headed to the track he had been begging to ride the SX so i rode the SXF350 . long story short i cased the triple and was spat over the bars , he was following and landed on the bike i just got out of the way just , but i have torn some bone and most of the ligaments out of my elbow
" title="Angry" class="smiley"> i am waiting for the doctor in thailand to get back to me when he can do the surgery as soon as i hear ill jump on a flight and go and get it fixed .
would have much rather break the arm at least i could be back on the bike in 7-8 weeks it will be at least 16 weeks before i can even try and ride even then i have to be very very carful as i can rip the ligaments bak off again .
guess ill have to strip the SX and give it an orange frame to give me something to do so i dont go mad .
enjoy riding guys