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Author Topic: what did yall think about the 2nd round of SX?  (Read 4699 times)

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Offline twosmoke595

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what did yall think about the 2nd round of SX?
« on: January 15, 2012, 01:04:59 AM »
track was alot better, but the obstacles weren't very impressive, the hardest part of the track was nailing the triple triple, and then the double on off section

and the whoops weren't much bigger than last weekends

although the racing was better, still not as close as i'd like it to be
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline Swimr2DaResQ

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what did yall think about the 2nd round of SX?
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2012, 03:46:57 AM »
I was glad to see Dungey win, especially for KTM. Stewart looked fast, but as usual, he choked. RV was wicked fast after his mishap! Weimer looks fit and a pretty solid ride. I was kinda dissapointed in Windham, he ran so strong for most of the race and wasn't really paying attention to who was catching him, RV made a solid pass on Windham though.

Has anyone been paying attention to the lines that RV is taking/choosing? His cornering looks quite a bit faster than most of the other guys and carries his speed on the outside line on those 180 degree corners.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »
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Offline twosmoke595

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what did yall think about the 2nd round of SX?
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2012, 04:26:41 AM »
i was happy for them too, i knew he would do it sooner or later, and ya i dont even want to talk about stewie...
i honestly think windham knew he was coming but just didnt realize how fast he was going to make the move

ya i noticed that too, him and reed had really good corner speed, when Jeff Emig said that corner speed was a crucial part tonight i about choked to death lol if you see the races, NOBODY had corner speed really, yes villopoto and reed were a bit faster than everybody else but still there was not much corner speed to speak of. they brake into the turns, almost stop, then turn the bike, then gas it. the problem with the 250f and 450 is that you cant whip it around as easily as a 2 stroke could, i mean you can literally do a complete 180 in the turns within 5 feet.

I thought the track was better than last week, but still was very non challenging
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline motoman356

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what did yall think about the 2nd round of SX?
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2012, 06:53:36 AM »
i hated the race. i mean there were a lot of things i did like but the one thing that irks me is RV is becoming the new RC. IF he can stay healthy that is. I mean no else stays as focused or rides with the same intensity as he does and thats why he's won everything last year and charged alll the way from last to 3rd. RC always did that. no matter what was going on he CHARGED the entire race while others sprint the first half and settle in the 2nd. hes just wide open and nothing fazes him
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline VintageBlueSmoke

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what did yall think about the 2nd round of SX?
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2012, 01:14:18 PM »
A bit off topic...I think I found a possible new enemy of the two-stroke and the cause of its fall from grace.: TV Coverage.

Back in the day when I attended my last Supercross, it was in St. Louis. I think there were just 2 or three 4$ that year (and I was rooting for them! Eeeeww.) One of the memories that stands out was how pissed off I was that I spent a lot of money for my tickets but the PA was completely unrecognizable and the ventilation system was so poor that you COULD NOT SEE THE GRANDSTANDS ON THE OTHER SIDE THROUGH THE SMOKE ACROSS THE TRACK. Now, I love 2T's and I love the smell and the smoke as much as everyone of us but less than 30 yards of visibility is too much - even for me. I taped it of course and when I watched it at home, the haze was plainly visible on TV and blocked a lot of the coverage.

While watching the coverage of Phoenix this year, and yes I know the roof was open, but it hit me just how clear the air was. The AMA and the promoters, make the MAJORITY of their money from TV. Maybe it is them BENDING TO THE WILL OF THE TV EXECUTIVES that is pushing the 4-stroke conspiracy?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »
08 Speed Bird Quad 110, 08 KTM 144, 04 Suzuki LT-Z400, 03 Gas Gas EC, 300,97 Honda CR144, 96 Husky Boy 50, 88 Husky 400WR, 86 Honda CR125R, 80 Can-Am MX6 400, 75 Husky 360CR, 75 Husky 175CC, 73 Penton Jackpiner 175, 72 Husky 250CR, 72 Husky 125, 72 Rickman-Zundapp 125, (2) 71 Bultaco Pursang Mk

Offline twosmoke595

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what did yall think about the 2nd round of SX?
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2012, 06:00:50 PM »
this is true, that's my first memory of supercross, is walking into the stadium and smelling that sweet premix race gas, then seeing the track and the blue haze of smoke above it, but back then houston and dallas were closed roofs, now they're both open, and i'm pretty sure most other tracks are that way too

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline Super Trucker

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what did yall think about the 2nd round of SX?
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2012, 06:49:54 PM »
Didn,t know there was a race.I was at a Packer bar,1 block from the stadium doing shots,out of a chics belly button. :P
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline MetalMike1982

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what did yall think about the 2nd round of SX?
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2012, 07:46:12 PM »
I was glad to see Dungey put the kTm on the podium , I hope he does well this season . Stewart looks like an accident waiting to happen . As far as RV goes I think he's gonna kick some serious a$$ if he can get decent starts .
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »


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what did yall think about the 2nd round of SX?
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2012, 07:58:56 PM »
I watched the qualifying heats up to the LCQ's I noticed reed is back to his usual block passing and actually trying to take riders out again it worked for him first time he tried but came up short trying it on JS7 why can't the guy race clean?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline twosmoke595

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what did yall think about the 2nd round of SX?
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2012, 08:10:57 PM »
I was glad to see Dungey put the kTm on the podium , I hope he does well this season . Stewart looks like an accident waiting to happen . As far as RV goes I think he's gonna kick some serious a$$ if he can get decent starts .

i honestly hope that if stewart falls he doens't take everybody else out with him like he did last year
and ya i was happy for ktm and dungey also. and as far as RV2 goes..well i see alot of RC in him
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline twosmoke595

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what did yall think about the 2nd round of SX?
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2012, 08:14:15 PM »
I watched the qualifying heats up to the LCQ's I noticed reed is back to his usual block passing and actually trying to take riders out again it worked for him first time he tried but came up short trying it on JS7 why can't the guy race clean?

i dont understand why more guys dont race like this, block passing is part of racing, now straight up taking people out is a different story, but the way the lights LCQ was, THAT is racing i love that kind of racing. Not this follow the leader until i can find a nice wide open space to pass somebody. I really miss the aggressiveness of racing back 5-8 years ago. Now the guys dont want to risk getting in trouble anymore because of fines and stuff. Which really makes the racing boring.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline ACMX

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what did yall think about the 2nd round of SX?
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2012, 09:40:29 PM »
I watched the qualifying heats up to the LCQ's I noticed reed is back to his usual block passing and actually trying to take riders out again it worked for him first time he tried but came up short trying it on JS7 why can't the guy race clean?

i dont understand why more guys dont race like this, block passing is part of racing, now straight up taking people out is a different story, but the way the lights LCQ was, THAT is racing i love that kind of racing. Not this follow the leader until i can find a nice wide open space to pass somebody. I really miss the aggressiveness of racing back 5-8 years ago. Now the guys dont want to risk getting in trouble anymore because of fines and stuff. Which really makes the racing boring.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' » <-- Check it out! Now!

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Offline ford832

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what did yall think about the 2nd round of SX?
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2012, 10:39:20 PM »
I was at a Packer bar

I can only guess what that is.  :o :-X  ;)

As for the race,I thought it was pretty good.I especially like JS7's performance in the last two ;D
I'd love to see he and RV fighting it out for the lead like JS and RC used to do. 8)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »
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what did yall think about the 2nd round of SX?
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2012, 01:05:10 AM »
yes block passing is a part of racing but when a rider straight up takes another out then it becomes a whole other story.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline snook620

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what did yall think about the 2nd round of SX?
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2012, 02:36:55 AM »
The track was better than Anaheim thank god. Nice win for Dungey and KTM, I knew him and Roger could do it. Stewart looks fine until he crashes, if he could just get a start and not fall he would win. RV is flying.

.........and Ryan Sipes got robbed in the LCQ  >:-D

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »
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