It seems this technical section will be my favorite one, and in order to not clutter it up with a dozen different threads, I'll keep my dumb questions regarding bike maintenance and repair constrained into this one thread.
So, I've got two bikes, '01 or '02 kx125 and '01 or '02 kx250 which are definitely cursed and work at purely random intervals.
Not entirely sure on the exact model year as apparently both bikes have a VIN that should not exist. 10th digit on them both points them to be a year '90 but that's simply impossible.
The '99-'02 service manual's procedures for L3 and L4 models (ie '01 or '02) are the ones to follow with both these bikes but it doesn't differentiate more accurately which one they might be.
First issue comes with the 250.
I just got the bike back together after taking it mostly apart but now the idle speed is way higher than it ever should be. It's not screaming with full throttle, more in the low-mid range, and adjusting the idle screw has no effect on the rpms.
This is definitely because of something I did or did not do while putting the bike back together, but any suggestions of what might be wrong are welcome so once I start taking things apart, I might have some idea what to look for.
Another thing, told you they're cursed, I noticed that when the bike is on its side, it leaks transmission oil from where the clutch attaches to the motor(see pic). Not a lot, and only when it's laid on its side, but still I'd like to fix that. Now, how severe is this and will it require splitting the engine case, or is there some smart way to go about fixing it?