Hondacrrider - First you've got to get a few more questions answered. He is just fine as far as height and weight for a 125, but the other points you made are unclear.
Will he be using the bike only for freestyle or will he be racing it as a motocross bike, trail riding, etc...
Next question is how much are each of these machines and what is your friend's budget? This can be important if any of the bikes need some work as well, or if he wants to modify or spiff it up to his liking.
What kind of life has each of these bikes been through? Have they been raced? Play ridden? Have they been taken care of? Regular maintenance, oil changes, are parts bent or broken? To really tell how well someone keeps their bike take a look at the air filter on the bike. Has it been cleaned recently? Is it a brown bomb caked with dirt?
You want to find the bike that is in the best shape and based on the type of riding yur friend will be doing. Either of the three could be the right one, but we just need more information first.