I only exclude Harley Davidson, for two reasons. Reason number one, they're the closest thing you can get to a Dodge Charger on two wheels. And, reason number two, they're never really going to compete with two-strokes in the market. A two-stroke that competes with Harleys would be like making a rocket to compete with Cessna 150s. It just defeats the purpose.
As for riding on the beach, 'round these parts if you take a bike on the beach, you'll go from zero to "Yes, I'll go quietly, officer" in 3.5 seconds. You can even get hassled for parking your trailer NEXT TO a beach for too long. So if you want to enjoy the beach, you either do it with sandals and a plastic shovel, or a seven-digit-priced condominium built up so no one can see the ocean except you on your balcony. Even the great scenic highway that runs the coastline is hardly work driving anymore, because anywhere with a view has been sold to some banker so he can watch the sunset two days out of the year.
[/beach rant]