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Messages - SachsGS

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General Two Stroke Talk / Re: Maico-the final answer
« on: May 04, 2010, 07:19:08 PM »
I own an 81 Maico 250 (Wheelsmith) ,490 and a newer 380 and 500. There is a reason why there are companies building replicas of the 81 and it is because they have a very good reputation, never mind all the parts suppliers and restoration specialists.

   I have ridden the steel framed TMs quite extensively and they are excellent motorcycles that you will never confuse with a japanese machine. Compared to a TM 300 I found my Maico 380 both faster and easier to ride. Though I am most definately not a 125 sized pilot I really enjoy the TM125, they are a blast ! I recently picked up a "butchered" TM 250 and ,though still injured, will rebuild that machine and go for a "put".
The recent success of the 2010 Maico MMX means we diehard Maico enthusiests won't always have to talk in past tense and defend a machine that last saw the limelight eons ago. I hope much success comes to Maico International because we need some new "blood" in the sport, even if it is the resurection of an old icon.

OH, and before I forget, when are you Kiwis going to learn to drive on the CORRECT side of the road? (A preemptive strike cause I know you're going to "rag" the Maico somehow!).

Technical / Re: Silencer Packing
« on: May 04, 2010, 08:48:43 AM »
I've used pink insulation for decades without a problem. I'm careful to clean the inner perforated tube each time and I've found the house stuff to actually be quieter then the moto specific silencer material. Even back in the old days during an almost 500 mile two day qualifier - never an issue.

General Two Stroke Talk / Re: Maico-the final answer
« on: May 03, 2010, 05:07:38 PM »
End of discussion? I say "let the games begin"! Actually I enjoy the old bikes AND the new bikes immensely, I have fun riding either of them.

Wunderbar! Hopefully results like that will help silence the critics.

General Two Stroke Talk / Re: Maico-the final answer
« on: May 03, 2010, 04:43:31 PM »
Not so fast! 1st of all those guys at MXA can't get their stories straight.One minute the 1981 490 is "the best handling bike of all time" then next minute "we're all a bunch of Adolph Weil wannabees".

  Secondly, JB obviously hasn't ridden many big bore Maicos. If you stall the bike and it doesn't start in the first kick or two, you've lost your "intake charge". Prime it once or twice with the choke, turn the choke off and a kick or two later you are on your way. The fact that he could easily kick the bike over "sans" decompressor lever while seated tells me that the engine is probaly tired. Tightening that kickstart bolt before the race would help as well.

 Thirdly, 27 year old damper rod suspension is no match for the modern position sensitive stuff, the fact that a three decade old motorcycle even went as fast as it did speaks volumes about that 83 490.

For Sale / Re: A First Bike for my Friend
« on: May 02, 2010, 01:14:19 PM »
Why not get a 90's Husky WXE250? They have 6 speed gearboxes, big gastanks ,lighting coils etc., are reliable and not terribly expensive.

General Two Stroke Talk / Re: 2011 ETEC Bombardier engine..
« on: May 01, 2010, 11:05:18 AM »
Initially I too was confused as to why someone would retro fit FI to a 2s streetbike when you still have the emissions problems vs DFI. Then I realized that the goal seems to be increased engine flexibility, increased power and a slight reduction in emissions and fuel consumption. All these attributes are directly transferrable to offroad 2s engines and , for example, would greatly help Project 250 both from the PR perspective and as a racing weapon. I'm wondering if the 4sF's FI is adaptable to 2s's?

General Two Stroke Talk / Re: Fun with Spec sheets....
« on: May 01, 2010, 09:50:23 AM »
That VW ad reminds me of a story a guy once told me. This guy owned a 400 cubic inch muscle car, a fellow worker owned a Renault R5 (1400 cc), and they both commuted to the same job, a mine 600 miles from the city where they lived. When they had similar shifts they would "rat race" from home to the jobsite and he got beat every time.He said he would be standing there at the gas pump in the middle of the night and he would watch the "narrow eyes" of the R5 go screaming  past him wide open at 90mph.He said he had to stop so often for fuel he could never stay ahead.
As an intersting side note the new Gas Gas 4s trials use "flathead" engine technology just like a lawnmower ,which is what people call 4s's around here.

General Two Stroke Talk / Re: 2011 ETEC Bombardier engine..
« on: April 30, 2010, 09:50:32 PM »
Mitch Payton of Pro Circuit is self taught. If a person does not intuitively have an interest and fundamental understanding of the subject all the education in the world will not help him (or her).The only constant in life is change - either you adapt or you get left behind. KTM and BRP are adapting and you and I will have to do so as well.

Vintage Two Strokes / Re: Possible new project
« on: April 30, 2010, 07:40:51 AM »
About 6 years ago I Ebayed a 79 Honda CR250 with Fox airshocks to a guy in Scotland. I've often wondered how that restoration turned out - I think he was intending to race it in the EVO class. In my travels I seem to come across the odd 450/480 Honda fairly often.

Vintage Two Strokes / Re: Spring Ride of 2010
« on: April 29, 2010, 08:50:56 PM »
Many years ago (early 1980's) a freind of mine was in a desert race in central Washington and managed to break his engine in half! The bike was a KDX250 and the trans. cavity was broken from the crankcase. I saw the cases on a milling machine after they had been welded back together and there was not a single gusset or strengthening rib in the trans. area.

If I can put a "plug" in for Motocentre in Yakima one of the areas that the owner specializes in is the overhaul of Ohlins shocks and he has an ample supply of parts.

General Two Stroke Talk / Re: 2001 Honda CR500
« on: April 29, 2010, 08:04:42 PM »
The 78 and up Can Am orange tankers weren't that bad in the handling department. Sure would like to find an SWM for my collection though.

General Two Stroke Talk / Re: 2011 ETEC Bombardier engine..
« on: April 29, 2010, 08:00:04 PM »
Mercedes Benz diesel cars are very expensive but will easily last 20 years.

General Two Stroke Talk / Re: 2011 ETEC Bombardier engine..
« on: April 29, 2010, 02:59:43 PM »
Would I go back to a carb on my road going vehicles? Not a chance, FI has been bullet proof on my MB's,Fords ,Volkswagens etc. and I would welcome DI on a dirtbike in a heartbeat.That monotone sound of the DI sleds is just a very efficient 2S with a broad powerband. To actually ride them is another matter - I think most people would be very impressed.

General Two Stroke Talk / Re: 2001 Honda CR500
« on: April 29, 2010, 07:37:19 AM »
A freind of mine was sponsered by Terreflex. He slid off a fireroad one day and was badly injured, he blames the tire for the incident. It is also interesting to note that he was once a factory Can Am rider long ago.

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