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Practice track diaries- The Wick 338 3/30/2019
« on: April 04, 2019, 06:56:35 PM »
I write this in memory of our Brethren Coop, God rest your soul, you are missed.

So a lot has changed for me these past 6 months or so. First and foremost my wife of the last 13 years (5 years together prior) decided to dissolve our marriage.  I have found faith in God. I quit drinking as a comfort. I lost desire to ride. I started a strict diet and exercise program. I decided to rebuild the Katoom yet again, only to put her and my 93 CR on the market. I lost 45 LBS. Ive been growing my hair long. I have written many poems and have been writing songs and learning covers with my band mates in Burliegh's Men. I changed my TSM handle.  I met somebody who showed me I can live again and most importantly I regained my desire to ride once more!

So with the cold snap all but over here in New England, my fitness at a whole new level (not seen in twenty years) and the weather looking great for the first OP at the wick, I got my shit together and prepared to surf some sand.

me doing my best Mike Healey

My brothers Angelo and Nick from the Island, that's long Island to you not from these parts, and Brian were making the trek up north and bringing  along some others to join the fracas.

(Nick's bike)

Well to say I was up for the first session would be an understatement and felt good from first crack of the throttle. The track was over all really good. Three sections were going to be a mess so I decided to cut these out in the remaining sessions. 

Gabby, with the Husky, at the wick

The other Islanders that were in the Group were capable riders one i particular stood out, not because he was on a bitchin Husky 250, but because he is a fearless rippa and a typical New York asshole. Gabby (Gabe) as they call him in the inner circles of New Yorkdom  is an old pro from yesta year when men were men and Stubbys chick was horny. Well, in one particular session i realized what true mad man Gabby is. I tend to yell at people on the track, for various reasons usually cause they are spodes and in my way. Well i come upon a fallen Gabby in some lonesome berm making dirt angles and decide to rouse him a bit, bad idea. This antic of mine turned a not so mild mannered Gabby into a man hell bent on one thing, my demise. That's just what happened shortly after Gabby hit the afterburners and caught me. A bit of cat and mouse ensued and then it happened, Gabby punted me off the track. It was nothing really, I got spooked by the guy riding up the back of my leg, lost control and tipped over. Totally unintentional.

Gino's Bike

Back in the pits we all gathered about to reflect on what just happened. Angelo saw the whole thing and was telling the rest of the story to Gabby as to who I was pissed and gesturing at Gabby as he motoed away lol. Gabby thought this the greatest thing and after me earlier teaching him what a spode was, asked if this mad him a spode, to which I replied " no, just an asshole".

This made such an impression on him that he made me honorary Connecticut Chapter president of  MIRA ( Mentally Ill riders of America). I wear this honor proudly.
The rest of the day was a blast and we will do it again this weekend. Cant wait

« Last Edit: April 08, 2019, 07:09:43 AM by Boogsy »

Offline eprovenzano

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Re: Practice track diaries- The Wick 338 3/30/2019
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2019, 07:54:08 AM »
So glad to hear / see you've landed on your feet.  I'm even more chapped to see you have regained the burning desire to roost everyone without regards to race / sex/ gender / spode-ness .  Welcome back big (err smaller) guy welcome back.

To be made honorary president of MIRA (Mentally Ill riders of America), that my friend is a bucket list achievement... Coop is smiling down and saying roost em all.... 
« Last Edit: April 08, 2019, 10:32:04 AM by eprovenzano »
Eric Provenzano
2019 KTM 300 XCW TPI
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Offline _X_

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Re: Practice track diaries- The Wick 338 3/30/2019
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2019, 01:33:41 PM »
Thanks epro! lol

Offline msambuco

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Re: Practice track diaries- The Wick 338 3/30/2019
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2019, 05:14:00 PM »
One of the best things about MX bikes is over the years as needed you can put the whole thing on the back burner and then when the time is right get back into it again. I had several phases of racing in my youth, several attempts to regain my youth (all very unsuccessful!)and many good gears also in a few phases of trail and some MX. It's all very fun and without the need to try and compete I am WAY faster on trails then I ever could of dreamed of. Even got a friend who rode ISDE stuff who used to make fun of how slow I was back in the day who has respect now.

Anyway point is that as most of us are not serious pro riders we get to enjoy all the sport has to offer as an on again/off again way. Due to a tremendous work load I have not touched the bikes in about 14 months. That's gonna change soon and all the kids that used to ride with us are now "Guy's" with jobs and ready to get back into it again so a new mini era is on the way.

But youse guys already know that, right? 8) 8) 8)

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