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Offline Cheb44

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Bikes at the dealership
« on: May 31, 2012, 08:06:49 PM »
Well went by my local Yamaha dealer today to pick up some premix oil and guess what they had?

Some Husqvarna's!  Unfortunately they only had one 125, but I am seriously considering buying one now.  I ride an 03 RM250 atm and really like it but it whoops my butt on the MX track and would like a tamer bike to compliment it.

Funny though I mentioned holding my guns on the 2 strokes and the salesman said something about them dying out.  I mentioned Huskys dedication and KTM's to keep them alive, also suggested he watch a hare-scramble or two and see how "dead" they are.  Also told him of all the bikes in here (pointed to the 2 stroke) that's the only one I am even remotely interested in.

I really hope we can someday see a rules change for the pros in the AMA.  I am getting tired of fighting this battle with everyone.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »


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« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2012, 08:51:56 PM »
You should have said "apparently you have not been to a motocross track lately, chief."

i dont beat around the bush with motorcycle dealer employees anymore. i have run into some rude people, and i just shoot from the hip now.  nothing but a nunch of 8 dollar an hour punk kids in there who are pissed they cant afford to ride the bikes they have to stare at all day.

perfect example: my lunch break today.

me : "need a needle valve for a ktm 125 sx."

parts counter : "we dont have ktm"

me: "its a keihn carb"

parts counter (condescending tone) "we dont have ktm"

me (even more condescending) "well then, i changed my mind, its a fucking YZ125. needle valve. you'll find it under carbuerater"

parts counter : "oh...well i don't have that one in stock."

me: "yea, why would you, you only have 3 YZs on the sales floor. heaven forbid one of them come in with a worn needle valve"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »


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« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2012, 09:32:27 PM »
 I went to the Yamaha shop in the next town from me and had on my TSM shirt and the sales guy's just stared a my shirt and did not say any thing. They did not have any two stroke's in there shop. When I went in the back by the riding gear and part's department the part's guy kept staring at my TSM shirt then a kid came out from the back of  the parts department an seen my TSM shirt and said that's the best site right there I said yes it is.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline Cheb44

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« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2012, 09:34:46 PM »
Yeah, I asked "hey is  that the bike that comes with the 150 kit?" (Dumb Look) and I get a hesitant "Yeah"

I actually like the guy, hes an older fellow and I bought my daughters ttr 50 from him and he was real helpful and probably going to get her a ttr 110 at the end of summer.  I can't wait, its fun to get a new bike even when its not yours and its a 4 choke.  I love zooming around the yard on the 50, going to really zoom on that 110 lol.  Its a good transition for her (9), she doesn't get to serious into riding and I refuse to buy her a 4 wheeler.  If I hate anything more than 4 chokes its 4 wheelers.

Anyway I am hoping I will be able to get me a husky soon.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »


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« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2012, 09:46:53 PM »
sometimes old guys, as nice as they are, are the worst, because they are so disconnected from what is going on. 

i have one here locally. 

"my shop isnt big enough to handle one of the big japanese brands, but maybe ill get KTM vendorship."

"ktm sold more offroad bikes last year than any of the japanese makers... they sold more two strokes than suzuki sold bikes in TOTAL"


"maybe you should try TM..."

"are those electric?"

"uh no..."

"son, ive been racing for 30 years and i have NEVER heard of TM."

"sounds like you've got a problem then... (pull out cellphone with pics of the TSM TM test day)"

all i ask for at a dealer is a couple main jets and someone with some intellect.  cant find either.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline TMKIWI

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« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2012, 10:40:59 PM »
I have shifted towns for a new job.
Well any way yesterday was my first day off in 3 weeks and as I was driving through town I noticed a bike shop.
( I start & finish work in the dark so had no idea what was in town )
Any way sitting outside the shop was a new Husky CR125.
I shoot into the shop and start talking to the owner. He was an older guy and had a good collection of older bikes ( Husky 430, KX400,KX250,TT500 in husky CR430 frame etc) and thought he must be knowledgeable.
The first thing he said after seeing me look at the CR was a can sell that to you cheap at 11.5k.
I said they are advertised for $8990. Oh he says and looks up the price. :o
I said how about the 150 kit and he said he could do a deal on 1 for about $900.
I said but they are free with the cr at the moment.
He says thats just Aussie, and I say NO that is here.
I am seriously considering buying a CR this year, but guees what, IT WONT BE FROM HIM.
I was pissed off to say the least.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »
If you don't fall off you are not going hard enough

Offline Stusmoke

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« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2012, 11:40:36 PM »
You should have said "apparently you have not been to a motocross track lately, chief."

i dont beat around the bush with motorcycle dealer employees anymore. i have run into some rude people, and i just shoot from the hip now.  nothing but a nunch of 8 dollar an hour punk kids in there who are pissed they cant afford to ride the bikes they have to stare at all day.

perfect example: my lunch break today.

me : "need a needle valve for a ktm 125 sx."

parts counter : "we dont have ktm"

me: "its a keihn carb"

parts counter (condescending tone) "we dont have ktm"

me (even more condescending) "well then, i changed my mind, its a fucking YZ125. needle valve. you'll find it under carbuerater"

parts counter : "oh...well i don't have that one in stock."

me: "yea, why would you, you only have 3 YZs on the sales floor. heaven forbid one of them come in with a worn needle valve"

Sir, I believe you just kicked his ass

I had to verbally ninja a sales persons' ass into line in Toowoomba when I was there as well. It was toowoomba Yamaha and they are BIG four jokers.
Anyway this was before I got my 250 and was originally after a 125.
So I go in there to get a rough price estimate for the 2012 YZ125 and heres how shit essentially went down:
Me: "g'day mate i'm in the market for a YZ125 and was wondering what sort of pricetag I'm looking at?"
For the sake of the story, lets call him assnuts: "We don't sell the 125s"
Me: "A yamaha dealer ship doesn't sell Yamahas?"
assnuts: "They aren't worthy of the name"
Me: "Of course, what was I thinking? The yamaha foopers have only finished last or close to last in shootouts the last couple of years what a legendary name"
Assnuts: "Yeah well they still waste the pingers"
me: "yeah, you're right. Lets face it two strokes are lighter, faster, cheaper, easier to work on, fun to work on, quicker to work on, cheaper to work on, sound better, look better, more fun to ride, smell better, handle like a godess and oh lets not forget that they aren't forcing the sport to die and tracks to get closed down, so why don't you show me around one of your YZ250Fs?"

You know that blank and dumbfounded look that guys get on their face when you just completely destroy them? Eyes glassed over, mouth half open? Yeah that was his face

assnuts: *blank faced*
Me: "Oh and can I get a quote for a full engine rebuild in the YZ250F too?"
Assnuts: "uuhhh about $5,000
me: "Sure I'll be back with a years salary (I'm still in school, at a low paying job at this stage)"

And I walked out, but bent down to examine a 250Fs cam first, then spat on it and fucked off.

I have NO issues if people like four strokes, if they're just looking for a nice easy day out at the track. I accept that.
But when they fanatically insult things without any grounds I'm liable to get upset.

The dudes at my LOCAL dealer are great though
They aren't rude pricks, they accept that I like two strokes, and they happily order in some parts that I need snappy. And their knowledge is pretty scary
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline gpnewhouse7

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« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2012, 12:00:30 AM »
I must say after hearing all these stories of idiots working at mx shops Iv been quite lucky with my local yamaha/honda/KTM/husqvarna dealer (rocket centre, blackburn if you want to know) theyv always been straight in helping me if ever I needed a part for my bike even removing parts off new bikes just to get me going again sooner and I'm no pro mx rider or anything just a regular 16 year old, when I was 14 and went there looking for a new crosser (half tempted by a 250f if honest) they had a row of 250fs and 450fs and even a couple of 250 smokers but just 1 125 that they'd just sold, they refused to sell me a 250f and said they would not reccomend a 250f to anyone under 18 or that didn't have a lot of cash spare as they said they'd rather sell me parts for my 125s for the next ten years than one 250f an then me stop riding due to a blown engine.
Since then they got the KTM dealership to allow them to keep smokers in stock cos apparently round here theyr sellin out before they even come in.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline twosmoke595

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« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2012, 12:02:39 AM »
I must say after hearing all these stories of idiots working at mx shops Iv been quite lucky with my local yamaha/honda/KTM/husqvarna dealer (rocket centre, blackburn if you want to know) theyv always been straight in helping me if ever I needed a part for my bike even removing parts off new bikes just to get me going again sooner and I'm no pro mx rider or anything just a regular 16 year old, when I was 14 and went there looking for a new crosser (half tempted by a 250f if honest) they had a row of 250fs and 450fs and even a couple of 250 smokers but just 1 125 that they'd just sold, they refused to sell me a 250f and said they would not reccomend a 250f to anyone under 18 or that didn't have a lot of cash spare as they said they'd rather sell me parts for my 125s for the next ten years than one 250f an then me stop riding due to a blown engine.
Since then they got the KTM dealership to allow them to keep smokers in stock cos apparently round here theyr sellin out before they even come in.

THAT is a shop that will be in business for a long time
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline Stusmoke

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« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2012, 01:08:12 AM »
I must say after hearing all these stories of idiots working at mx shops Iv been quite lucky with my local yamaha/honda/KTM/husqvarna dealer (rocket centre, blackburn if you want to know) theyv always been straight in helping me if ever I needed a part for my bike even removing parts off new bikes just to get me going again sooner and I'm no pro mx rider or anything just a regular 16 year old, when I was 14 and went there looking for a new crosser (half tempted by a 250f if honest) they had a row of 250fs and 450fs and even a couple of 250 smokers but just 1 125 that they'd just sold, they refused to sell me a 250f and said they would not reccomend a 250f to anyone under 18 or that didn't have a lot of cash spare as they said they'd rather sell me parts for my 125s for the next ten years than one 250f an then me stop riding due to a blown engine.
Since then they got the KTM dealership to allow them to keep smokers in stock cos apparently round here theyr sellin out before they even come in.

THAT is a shop that will be in business for a long time

Damn straight. When I go talk to the old vets at the track and the guys that have been at this for a while, yeah they ride the foopers, but they're old and tired and just putter around with the kids anyway they've all got about 300 hours of their engine, extremely soft riding though, mainly just teaching the kids.
Not the point of the story, they've told me stories of the blokes in T-bar too. Now these guys may ride the poopers but they love the smell of premix and if they were still in their prime they say they'd ride the smoker. About 7 years ago when the four jokes were REALLY hitting it off one of them was still riding seriously. Anyway he went into the same dealership with his suspension to be set up from a new bike.
Nope, don't do hondas
Okay fine i just remembered its a yamaha now set it up.
We don't do 2 stroke suspension.

What he said next offends about 18 different religions and 12 countries so I'm not posting it.

Some people are just so so so biased they will actively turn down business. Its just pathetic and ridiculous that some people are that retarded.

I must say after hearing all these stories of idiots working at mx shops Iv been quite lucky with my local yamaha/honda/KTM/husqvarna dealer (rocket centre, blackburn if you want to know) theyv always been straight in helping me if ever I needed a part for my bike even removing parts off new bikes just to get me going again sooner and I'm no pro mx rider or anything just a regular 16 year old, when I was 14 and went there looking for a new crosser (half tempted by a 250f if honest) they had a row of 250fs and 450fs and even a couple of 250 smokers but just 1 125 that they'd just sold, they refused to sell me a 250f and said they would not reccomend a 250f to anyone under 18 or that didn't have a lot of cash spare as they said they'd rather sell me parts for my 125s for the next ten years than one 250f an then me stop riding due to a blown engine.
Since then they got the KTM dealership to allow them to keep smokers in stock cos apparently round here theyr sellin out before they even come in.

THAT is a shop that will be in business for a long time

Damn straight. If you're nice and well priced, people will comeback
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline ford832

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« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2012, 02:24:15 AM »
I have shifted towns for a new job.
Well any way yesterday was my first day off in 3 weeks and as I was driving through town I noticed a bike shop.
( I start & finish work in the dark so had no idea what was in town )
Any way sitting outside the shop was a new Husky CR125.
I shoot into the shop and start talking to the owner. He was an older guy and had a good collection of older bikes ( Husky 430, KX400,KX250,TT500 in husky CR430 frame etc) and thought he must be knowledgeable.
The first thing he said after seeing me look at the CR was a can sell that to you cheap at 11.5k.
I said they are advertised for $8990. Oh he says and looks up the price. :o
I said how about the 150 kit and he said he could do a deal on 1 for about $900.
I said but they are free with the cr at the moment.
He says thats just Aussie, and I say NO that is here.
I am seriously considering buying a CR this year, but guees what, IT WONT BE FROM HIM.
I was pissed off to say the least.

 :o Not hard to see what that guy is.Just walk away and never darken his door again.
With my dealership,I walk through the doors,bring them coffee's,kick some tires,shoot the sh!t,buy something or not,order something or not-and go on my way.When I buy something or order it's quick and I get always get a good deal without ever having asked for a deal or trying to haggle or complaining about prices.I've been going to the same dealership since '89 and though the owner has changed,the service is still the same. 8)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »
I'd rather a full bottle in front of me than a full frontal lobotomy.

Offline SachsGS

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« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2012, 02:32:29 AM »
Having owned a motorsports business I know the wholesalers,parts books,markups etc. better then most parts guys, I often help them out and I also know when they are trying to pull one over on me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline TMKIWI

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« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2012, 04:02:40 AM »
I hear you ford.
I deal with the local Yamaha/Kawasaki dealer back home and go in all the time for a coffee and talk shit.
He always gives me a good deal ( and I don't own a Yamaha or Saki ) , lets me book everything up and pay him on the 20th of the following month. I book up all the parts for mates bikes as well.
A couple of months ago when I mentioned I was after some pistons for my RM's he said go up stairs and help yourself.
He had a supply of NOS Suzuki pistons and rings. ;D
So now the rm has a new free piston.
Can't ask for better service then that.

When I had the boat shop I used to get guys coming in all the time for parts which I was not an agent for.
I always ordered the parts. I would rather make 10% on something then 0% on nothing.
I was known as the guy who could get you anything.
The other shops could not be bothered so they lost customers.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »
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Offline ACMX

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« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2012, 06:38:37 AM »
I've been going into my local shop frequently for some 3 years now... Basically since I started racing on my own dime. And I've gotten to know them pretty well. They always give me discount on parts, and I've never had to haggle with them. Sometimes they will just give me stuff. There are a lot of two smokers here in the Pacific Northwest, and the guys here are totally cool with them. I come in once in a while just to chat with em. They have never said anything about 'how great these new four strokes are compared to those dinosaurs.' In fact they were tryin to sell me on their 2012 250sx  :P
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' » <-- Check it out! Now!

'Forgive me lord for I have sinned. I hit a fourth gear jump in fifth gear pinned'

The Sweet Sound of a Yz125 Two Stroke

'If it takes more than two strokes, then you're just playing with


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« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2012, 02:26:49 PM »
that husky is getting ready to get a motor update. 
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »