Short answer I know but you are not asking the right question. Changing the thickness of the BASE GASKET will increase/decrease the squish area of the cylinder. This is where compression happens. Increasing compression, generally increases horsepower. Not enough squish area and nothing happens except a lot of throw away parts (hole in the piston, a broken, rod, destroyed cases). Too much and either the cylinder bottoms out, breaks off, and wastes your main bearings, (just see parenthesis above) or there is just not enough compression to cause the violent explosion that forces the rotation of the crank for the next cycle.
If you have a paper HEAD GASKET (not an o-ring like many modern water-cooled motocrossers these days), you can accomplish much the same thing there.
Basically, there is a sweet spot. Engine builders and tuners find that spot using a dyno and then duplicate it. With stock porting, a stock base gasket is usually best. Changing it will also cause you to change your jetting and possibly your fuel. More compression will require a slower burning (higher octane) fuel.
Make sense?