And here's another, relatively easy, 'tuning' variable with 2ts - reeds / reed blocks.
A recent issue of Brit Mag, Moto X, with their long term RM250 (I think it sells for something near 1400 Pounds, less than a YZ250 , which costs more than the KTM250SX

- when both the RM and YZ have been in a 'time warp, for years now - graphics, muffler and jetting changes, don't cut it for advances, over the RM, on the YZ), evaluated the V Force. The Brits sure get reamed on Yamaha prices - the new WR450 is more expensive than the new KTM 4ts - , much like we do here, in OZ, with KTM / Berg prices.
The tester / keeper of the bike, suggested that it would be useful to probably keep the V Force for sand tracks - loam tracks / good traction tracks, as it made the lower/ mid range power get to the level that on a hard pack track, it was better to keep the std reed block on. And the bloke was not a squid - I think, a very high level rider, especially in their very well organised 2t series.
Just a bit of food for thought.
I've only gone to Boyesen Reeds, on my 500 - something 'programed' into me from many years of riding / owning bikes. They are in perfect order, after 9 years use, and many thousands of Ks travelled.
I recently bought a Rad Valve, purely from the thought I may be changing the carb position, to accommodate an entirely new rear end on my bike. I can cut and re-weld the spigot, and the price I found, months ago, made it ridiculous to machine my own reed block up. Boyesen, seem to not list them , on their site, for my 500, anymore, as well, so they may be going the way of the Dinosaurs, soon.