Here are a few pics of the bike! It's a work in progress, definitely not as clean and awesome as MxSkillz CR!
This is what it looked like when I picked it up.
This is where it's at currently, I have a lot more planned, just waiting on a few bucks to throw at it!
I had found an issue with the base gasket. So I replaced the gasket and added a little extra gasket sealant!
I found the base gasket was not replaced after the new top end was done, cylinder was not even torqued to spec, and the mating surfaces between the cases and cylinder had residue and parts of old gaskets on them. It would make a kind squeaking/ plunging sound when you kicked it over, it was sucking air through the space between the cylinder and case into the crank case! I took it all apart and the surfaces mate good, but with so much extra crap between the surfaces and not being torqued to spec, it's no wonder why it wasn't sealing properly! One of the previous owners must have jammed a crow bar or similar tool between the cylinder and case to pry it off, What a jackA##! It really freaked me out at first, but it's all good now.