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Author Topic: Someone said Jason Lawrence may race a 250 2 stroke at the Moster Energy Cup.  (Read 4133 times)

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Offline Suzuki TS250/185

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 SO.... of course some Fooper Trooper says.... "rmz361 wrote: showing up to a gun fight with a knife. Guess he doesnt care about money."

I thought to myself, "It's probably more like this..."

Yeah the only thing worse might be a modern 4 stroke with a team of 5 or 6 mechanics to work on it... then you might not even get to participate in the race.

ryan dungey southwick 2011 motor trouble! Frank Industries (

Even if the Fooper does start in time for the race, that's no guarantee that the racer is going to beat a guy on a bike half the size that's superior in every way other than the slant of favoritism and the faked up opinions of the "Whichever way the money blows" gaggle of worms who serve as the press core in our sport, who are really more like competing ad agencies which is why their noses turn brown when their lips pucker.

Just look at what Cedric Soubyras did to the VAST majority of Foopers last year at the Euro supercross events, he beat all the Foopers that woudn't start and he beat all the ones that did start, except for 2 of them. He beat so many 350 and450 Foopers on his 250 SX 2 strole that you practically needed a Fooper Scooper to get the track ready for the next race.

Oh and even though their engines are obviously slower, the Foopers are allowed to be much bigger so really it's a laugh when they get spanked like that... the only thing funnier is watching a notable percentage of them blow up on live TV during a race.
I think 4 stroke dirtbikes are a phase, kind of like "Glam Rock" in a way. You see the whole world subscribing to it, and you wonder how everyone could be choking down so much Kool Aid and Spam... Then 10 Years later, nothing's left but the timeless stuff from before and after..

Offline Swimr2DaResQ

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Well said!
If J-Law did race the smoker, I bet he could do very well! 8)
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Offline eprovenzano

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I'm not a fan of J-Law, too much talent tossed aside. He's an punk kid who refuses to grow up and admit he's made some huge mistakes along the way, what an idiot  :o, But if he runs the smoker, yes I will be supporting him, If he runs the 2 stroker, as I see it, he's trying to make amends for past transgressions
Eric Provenzano
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Offline miedosoracing

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Sorry guys, that was 500guy.  You should know better than fall into that bear trap.
Fightin the system like a 2 stroke modern day Robin Hood!

Offline xandyx

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while this video was playing i rebuild my top end all by myself..

motocross racing starts to look like formula 1 racing..

Offline snook620

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Dungeys bike not starting at Southwick was an electrical problem. Probably all the rain from the first moto

Jason has some 2 stroke skills Id like to see it happen. If anything he would get a few more fans.

Jason Lawrence :- Two Stroke Riding
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Offline ford832

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It's actually true.I'm racing it on the YZ as well.I have good inside info that Bubbles is riding a new/old Maico 700 .Remember,you heard it here first. ;D
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Offline Kembo693

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He is not on the entry list tho'. Wait a minute... I smell trolling.