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Offline SachsGS

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Re: Any trx250R fans on here?
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2011, 08:43:22 PM »
I once had the opportunity to ride a heavily modified Lt250R Suzuki quad. It was extremely fast and pulled like crazy to the left,to go straight ahead you had to steer to the right! :o

Offline factoryX

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Re: Any trx250R fans on here?
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2011, 09:51:43 PM »
Something was wrong with the lt250r... :o

I ride an 03 yz250, wait 04, wait 05, what ever, they're all the same #$@% YOU!

Offline Coop

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Re: Any trx250R fans on here?
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2011, 04:46:17 AM »
I once had the opportunity to ride a heavily modified Lt250R Suzuki quad. It was extremely fast and pulled like crazy to the left,to go straight ahead you had to steer to the right! :o

I've owned two quads in my life time, one was a 1989 LT250R (one was a blaster I bought for my wife and she hated it). It was definitely fast. But I agree with factoryX, something was wrong with the one you rode. I am just not a quad guy and I didn't keep very long and went back to bikes. This was around 1998-99 I'd say.
- Mike - Don't take life so seriously, nobody gets out alive.

Offline mj4trax

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Re: Any trx250R fans on here?
« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2011, 06:05:01 AM »
I once had the opportunity to ride a heavily modified Lt250R Suzuki quad. It was extremely fast and pulled like crazy to the left,to go straight ahead you had to steer to the right! :o

Sounds like the lt either had the tie rods adjusted wrong, had a bent frame or both. 

The round tube frames (which almost all new sport racing quads have, and the LT250R's had) bend to the side very easily when hitting stumps or trees with the front wheels.

The old honda 250R's had a rectangular tube frame.  That design was a little bit heavier, but allowed the chassis to be much more rigid (which can also lead to lots of frame cracks) and durable against bends.

2003 RM250
2004 RM250
2001 yz125
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1989 trx250R

Offline MyckMcClung

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Re: Any trx250R fans on here?
« Reply #19 on: January 18, 2011, 11:23:36 AM »

"I now have a different perspective and understand the viewpoint, but at the same time I can say that they are NOT going away, no matter how much anyone wishes for it. ..   and all recreational riders have the same common enemy.  United we stand, divided we fall."

You are right there, I wish that more quad enthusiasts would find that same outlook.

and yes it is mostly the big 4x4's that tear up the trails. But it's the guys on the racing quads that take out the baffling in the muffler to make it faster, ??? and drag race or spin donuts in the parking area w/out helmets, and want to ride in the open areas near houses that get the cops called.
The place near me, i've been riding for 10 years, it was super secret, and been ridden daily for over 20 years with no complaints and no cops. it is in the woods behind what used to be an airport runway which is now an industrial park, and has a subdivision nearby. the trails used to be fast tight single track. well bout 5 years ago someone let it leak, and  next thing you know quads started showing up, they couldn't get through the trails so they would drag race on the tarmac and haul ass down the fire roads that ran through the property. We marked all the trail crossings at 50, 25, yards before and at the crossings. They were ignored and people ended up getting hurt, two people died out there in the same year. the first year the quads started coming out. then the cops started staking the place out on weekends and running people off, after two years of not riding out there I went back and the quads had taken the place over, all the trails were deeply rutted twin track. During that time there was a huge fire out there that destroyed 75 acres, it was confirmed by the fire marshall that the fire was caused by a hot four stroke quad that overturned into the scrub brush, the exhaust pipe ignited the dry scrub and the fire spread.

they pretty well shut the place down after that and the trails have settled and the brush has grown back, I have been pretty lucky the last several times I've been out there to not encounter the fuzz. My buddy that cut all those trails back in the day, was out there Sunday and encountered the fuzz, he was warned not to come back, that the next time he was caught out there they'd arrest him.

Bunk Deal
If a pair of 2" brass balls isn't working, I doubt that the 3" model will make much difference.

Offline factoryX

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Re: Any trx250R fans on here?
« Reply #20 on: January 18, 2011, 11:32:18 AM »
That is officially the first case of a fire being caused by an ATV that I have heard of.

I ride an 03 yz250, wait 04, wait 05, what ever, they're all the same #$@% YOU!

Offline mj4trax

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Re: Any trx250R fans on here?
« Reply #21 on: January 18, 2011, 12:20:36 PM »
I know the exact crowd that you're talking about.. .. 

A lot of the problem with quads is that the initial skill investment to move one from point A to point B is ZERO skill vs. some balance and agility that is needed to get a bike from the same point.  This scares most of the irresponsible recreating public away from bikes. ..  but not quads.

I will contend that to ride a quad at a high level takes a multitude of skills and strenghts that is very comparable to the bikes (though it's just "different". ..  so they really can't be quantitatively compared.)  but a VERY small % of quad riders are ever serious enough about it to lean these skills.  So many just want to go fast in a straight line or find a mud hole to dig up.  I can't even count the number of times I've seen other quads unload in the same parking lot as me and get all ready to ride down the road. ..   not the trail.

Anyway, the point I'm trying to get to is that my riding buddies and I always felt like we were completely against the grain with other riders. ..  that is until we stumbled into the world of dirt bikes.  Now we're unloading in the parking lots for the single track stuff and everyone else that shows up is there to ride the trail as well. . . not to screw around in the parking lot or run down the fire roads.  I've found my home  ;D
2003 RM250
2004 RM250
2001 yz125
1986 trx310R
1989 trx250R

Offline SachsGS

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Re: Any trx250R fans on here?
« Reply #22 on: January 18, 2011, 04:17:47 PM »
More ATVs are sold in North America then motorcycles.They are a cash cow for the manufacturers.

Offline mj4trax

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Re: Any trx250R fans on here?
« Reply #23 on: January 18, 2011, 05:14:07 PM »
More ATVs are sold in North America then motorcycles.They are a cash cow for the manufacturers.

Absolutely true. ..   Manufacturers sell ATV's for significantly more $$ than bikes, but do no where near the R&D on them. 

For example, since putting out the trx450r in late 2004, Honda has only updated it once (in 2006, they gave it a toned down version of the '05 crf450 motor, changed some geometry slightly, and added an option for electric start) and has rested on their laurels since. . .. just raking in the $$$ 

Yamaha left the banshee and blaster alone for 15+ years and sold them like hotcakes the whole time.

That's pretty much the definition of "cash cow"
2003 RM250
2004 RM250
2001 yz125
1986 trx310R
1989 trx250R

Offline eprovenzano

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Re: Any trx250R fans on here?
« Reply #24 on: January 19, 2011, 06:15:25 AM »
I agree many on quads are not technically capable of riding a bike.  The 1000cc engine, and four wheel drive have given them a false sense of rideable talent.  True at a higher lever, the talent rises, and the rest are left to wallow in the mud.  Lets not forget, there are also idiots on bike too...  I was at a park which is only open to riding 2 times a year, (Powerline Park in Ohio) and they also have a GNCC race there as well.  I was running the GNCC track when I came upon a father and his son who's quad had broken down and was blocking the trail.  I stopped to give them a hand to get the broken quad to a safe area where it could be repaired, when a fellow dirt biker showed up...  He claimed he had been chasing me for miles, that I blew by him like he was standing still.  Here I am in all of my safety gear, and him with shorts no shirt, hiking boots (untied of course) and lastly of course no helmet.  After I heard the word "DUDE" 5 times in the first 15 words, I don't think I heard another word he said...  I helped the father get the quad into a condition where they could limp back to camp, he was very appreciative and got a good laugh when I said please excuse the "dude" he's an idiot...  and then proceeded to blow the doors off the "DUDE" again...  the only thing he had going for him was he was on a RM250 smoker... 
Eric Provenzano
2019 KTM 300 XCW TPI
2000 KTM 300 EXC (Son's)
2001 KTM 380 EXC
Sold 1991 KDX 200... fun play bike
Sold 1999 KX250
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Sold 2001 Yamaha TTL 125 (son's 1st bike)
Sold but never forgotten 1974 Honda Elsinore CR250M
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Offline mj4trax

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Re: Any trx250R fans on here?
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2011, 06:45:09 AM »
Looking at your signature line, I think you need to get the son a trx250R. ..   so he can at least be a two-stoke "quad turd" (your words)   :P
2003 RM250
2004 RM250
2001 yz125
1986 trx310R
1989 trx250R

Offline MyckMcClung

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Re: Any trx250R fans on here?
« Reply #26 on: January 19, 2011, 06:45:54 AM »
Dude, I totally know what you mean bro, we have Dudes like that all over here too man. And let me me tell you Dude, they are the last Dudes I'll ever tell about my totally bodacious riding spots. huh huh huh (<< Spicoli laugh )
If a pair of 2" brass balls isn't working, I doubt that the 3" model will make much difference.