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Author Topic: Is southwick gonna be a national or not???  (Read 3128 times)

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Offline kim wedding

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Is southwick gonna be a national or not???
« on: June 01, 2013, 04:15:28 PM »
I read some where southwick isn't gonna be a national any more. If this is true it's a sad day for moto-x. What's the reasoning for such a lame decision? If this is true it's time for a 2 stroke group to start up a 2 stroke sanctioning body and start a 2 stroke race series with southwick as one of it's track's. Are they getting rid of southwick because sand is hard on 4 strokes and 2 stroke's ride it better. If so SOUTHWICK FOR 2 STROKE'S.  Sound's cool to me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline Shawn36

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Is southwick gonna be a national or not???
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2013, 04:43:10 PM »
Yes it's true, this will be the last year of Southiwck as a national.  The reasoning is the track and property are literally in the middle of town.  The property backs up to the local public library and school.  The town is so small that it can't make any revenue off it and public opinion has turned against the noise and problems caused by the race. 
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline kim wedding

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Is southwick gonna be a national or not???
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2013, 06:23:55 PM »
This is such bull crap every rider that buy's something from the town's store's and gas station's add to the town's economy and tax'es. Here's a great idea for a convenience store / gas station in the town have a pump that has a great 2 stroke gas as well as a pump for 4 junk gas.  As far as tax'es go i think american's pay too much in tax'es now. If it's backed up to a library and school SO WHAT aren't they built good enough to block out the sound?? If not retro fit them with sound damping mat's .Their's no real good reason to lose any track.

If ever rider would buy some of their food for the day, gas maybe for their transport vehicle (car and trailor or pick-up), maybe even gas for their bike in southwick when do you think it's enough. I mean maybe to keep track's rider's will have to buy the land or home's around the track's .  Southwick mx track is a national treasure and should be maintain as a working mx track.  IF sound is the issue there's all kind's of solution's but the one's doing the complain about the noise should pay for the solution. Their the one with the complaint!!!!! I personally believe southwick has made alot of money over the year's because of the track. THE FACT that the track is in town should be a asset to advertiser's if they advertise to the people who like that fact and if their smart enough they make a market by being smart enough to recognize a need or trend.

I mean what else could southwick do to generate more revenue maybe advertise to bring people to the track to ride on it on day's other than just on the pro race. This would take coperation between the town and track, but it's better than closing down. I mean advertising out of state give rider's who stay in you're motel's access to the track. Getting to ride one of the great place's on GOD'S green earth to ride mx should be draw enough for rider's to try and make southwick a vacation destination.

 I know southwick mx track is open to riding several time's a year i mean if it's got so much to do with money then the track has to be open every day possible. I hate to see southwick go the way carlbad went . In closing if you live close enough to buy in southwick buy from the town merchent's but remind them you do so in support of the track and hope they'll support the track. I mean how many of us are loyal to a certain brand of product maybe it's time for us rider's to support the town's that support our sport.

GOOD LUCK to whoever is gonna fight for southwick mx track but if you're to win rider's from massachusses as well as the united state's even the world better start supporting the cause by signing petition's on behalf of the track maybe even sending money to fight for the track if it even get's that far or their won't be another race like in 1993 a local boy doug henry number 16 on a cr125 in the heat and sand of southwick ripped the world's best apart. and that's was just 2 moto's on one day.

 Think of the race's that's been raced there and the race's that could be raced there and ask yourself do we really want to see southwick go the way of the dinosaur's???? NOT ME i'll say it right now   KIM
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline msmola2002

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Is southwick gonna be a national or not???
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2013, 10:18:34 PM »
the town is behind the track. no issues there. the issue is the lease is up. the legion owns the track or rather the land it is on and the lease is up for renewal. the new terms of the lease are not realistic or affordable. the current promoters are therefore not renewing the lease.

no four stroke conspiracies. the town is not trying to evict anyone.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline Stusmoke

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Is southwick gonna be a national or not???
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2013, 12:30:50 AM »
Very sad. I had hoped that they might buy up some land further out of town and rebuild the southwick track but it would appear not.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline msambuco

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Is southwick gonna be a national or not???
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2013, 01:34:50 AM »
New burbs coming to New Berlin next. Hope I am wrong.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »
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Offline kim wedding

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Is southwick gonna be a national or not???
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2013, 05:36:27 PM »
If i'm understanding this it sound's like the track owner's are asking for to much money or is it the town wanting more money or both?????????  I have loved the fact that the track was owned by the vfw. My dad and brother are both v.f.w. member's. It doesn't matter where the track is located certain people want to infringe on other's freedom's.They don't ride a bike,but can't stand anyone else riding one.

I hate that fact. I don't get why they even have a right to complain about noise if the dirt bike's are being rode during daylight hour's. PEOPLE should be allowed to make noise during the day. If you go to certain job's you have to wear ear protection, go to a rock concert and you're ear's are ringing when you leave. MY EAR'S HAVE NEVER BEEN RINGING FROM A DIRT BIKE. If it's all about money revenue for the track owner or the small town making more in revenue or tax'es. I say how much money does the small town need or deserve. Is the money for the town or is it for the mayor or other's to get a pay raise?

 I know it's long over due for us rider's to buy the land we ride on. If we in group's buy land we have more people to help fight this land closure crap. Their's strengh in number's. If it would help i hope someone would show the land owner's a petition signed by everyone who would sign the petition to save the track. Remind them of the great heritage of racing at the track. If that doesn't help maybe the rider's in massachusses should step up and buy the land the track is on.......

 EVEN try and get other interested people to donate to the buy southwick fund. I'LL probably never get to ride the southwick track.I don't live in mass, but i'd be proud to support by signing a petition or even sending money. Some of the reason's why i love southwick is the sand. I love riding in sand and the fact it's owned by the v.f.w. It might take more than just the people in massachusses to fight this so come on rider's from where ever you are step up. If you love mx it's time to start fighting this crap where ever it rear's up it's ugly head even if it mean's helping rider's in another state...   KIM
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »