Well yesterday i finally got my daughter on her bike. 07 RM85, I origionally gave her the KX100 but she was intimidated by it's power after seeing me ride it,
lol. So my wife claimed it.
Any who....
My buddy that got the soon to be open NDFS OHV park together, has a son that's her age, and he rides, they met a couple of weeks ago while we were cutting trail for the park. And I think she wants to impress him, lol.
so ....
She asked if we were going riding this weekend last tuesday,
, and of course I was stoked.
She decided she wanted to ride the RM85, my friends son rides an RM125
go figure, huh? And keep in mind this 85 is pimped, SST pipe, shorty, Vforce3,hinson clutch,...But I think it's smaller stature is less intimidating to her, hahaha, or she just wants to ride yellow like her new "friend"
Either way the RM smokes the KX, which it bone stock besides the FMF Q, and suspension valving.
So I get out on the open road at the area, and tell her to start it up, lmao,(she has ridden a motorcycle before, it was an XR100 that was rebuilt by son dumbass, off timing and had about a 1/2" of gasket sealer on the base gasket, so it was a total roach). she kicked it 15 times before she figured out the feel, then she proceeded to stall it out 20 times. The plug fouled, and I changed it from a 10 to a 9, and WOW it ran better, not even sure why the 10 was in there. So she gets it going and gets up to second gear just giving it enough gas to keep it moving, and gets about 3/4 of a mile down the road and stops at a mud puddle. OK so she pushes the bike around the puddle, and gets back on, the whole time she's sitting on the back of the seat, she's 5'9", and I keep telling her to move up ion the seat and keep your elbows bent, she's ignoring me, haha. so I'm parked in front of her, and she starts going, sitting on the back of the seat like iI told her not to do, arms almost straight, and she turms the bars left to go around me and gets a big hand full of throttle!! HAHA I was laughing and terrified at the same time.she was headed right at a big pine tree, she turned right and over corrected, but let off the throttle, for a second till she recorrected and got another big handfull of throttle. which actually straightened her out and she grabbed the clutch and front brake and came to a stop.
When I got up to her she was stark white, and almost crying, still sitting on the back of the seat. I asked her why she thinks that happened, and she's like "IDK"
so I told her to turn the bars, and she did and that's when she realized that she was over extending her arms, well she moved up on the seat, and after some coaxing and compleiments, we got going again. she was doing ok. but refused to shift up to third, lol, which resulted in another visit to "In the pipe land" she finally started to shift up after that.
Next weekend...
Turning 101