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Messages - SubTexel

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General Two Stroke Talk / Re: Dirt Rider Interview - Project Two 50
« on: February 27, 2010, 02:56:36 PM »
As much as I'd like to see two-strokes return to motocross, I don't think that the four-strokes will ever go away completely!

John, i have articles in magazines from the 70's where riders attempt to build competitive 4 stroke dirt bikes by shoe-horning Yamaha TT500 and Honda XL350 engines into mx frames, usually with so-so results. It just tells me that there's always been and always will be 4 stroke fans. Just like us. Personally i don't think we can ever fairly race against each other because it will always be like racing apples against oranges, and there should be separate classes. But i'll hold out hope that at the very least they give the 2t's a fairer shake than what they've got going on now.

Yeah but a lot of that has to deal with the underdog syndrome, which is what is pushing the 2 strokes back into the lime light (well that, and the astronomical prices for the 4ts (initial, maintenance and modification) And that's what really pushed it (well besides Yamaha) back in the late 90s when the YZF400 was introduced, back then only 2 strokes were racing so seeing this 4 stroke rip around was a novelty and something for people to cheer for (the fact Doug Henry piloted it only helped).

So, as of right now 2 strokes get to take advantage of this phenomenon. Now 2 strokes are viewed as the working mans race machine, and the riders are viewed as the rebels fighting back against the big 4 refusing to fall in line with the masses and allow themselves to be brainwashed by the marketing being pushed hard by factories AND aftermarket companies (come on now, 900+ for a 4 stroke exhaust? That's only 400 less than what the exhaust for my SRT8 cost me!!).

(Wow that sounded a bit hippy like lol)

At any rate, this program sounds great and I really am looking forward to seeing more in the coming months. 2 strokes FTMFW!

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