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Messages - KXwestYZ

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for the record I still prefer my Carb... cos I love the hit, each to their own though hey..

check this out


3. not even really a hate, but the black spooge that sometimes blubbers out the silencer or where the expansion chamber and silencer meet is kind of annoying, especially on a dusty day dirt + oil spooge on swingarm/shock/break line gets annoying and is kinda hard to clean


hhaa yeah I always have the exact same problem on my 2000 KX 250 i got all sorts of crap advice, try truck wash blah blah. you know what get WHITE SPIRIT its cheap and cuts through that stuff like a hot knife through butter like you wouldnt beleive... just saw your post and thought id help :)

General Two Stroke Talk / Re: what was I thinking?
« on: September 29, 2011, 03:13:43 PM »
if it was the case that before every person buys a motocross bike they have to try both 2 and 4 stroke for a test ride I think 90% of peoplee would go for the 2 stroke, otherwise they dont know what they're missing!

Well good news is at the end of the series Danny Torres won on his 2 stroke overall! So the four strokes flunked out in the long run again this time... was so happy to hear that, lets hope they do the same next year and the year after...

General Two Stroke Talk / Re: Some cool TM Racing news
« on: September 14, 2011, 08:00:35 PM »
if you want to see more honda conspiracy see the thread I just posted about the Red bull xfighters race the honda won tonight which it was no way entitled to, was unbeleivable

I see what you're saying, but damn you sound crazy.

Im not crazy, what i just saw on TV was crazy, and if it all gets uploaded to youtube then people who read this thread can see for themselves how off it was seeing this bucket of nails which was all over the place win somehow... 

Ive watched the first 2 episodes of redbull ex-fighters - its supposedly the biggest freestyle motocross competition in the world

anyway Nate Adams won it the last 2 years on a 2 stroke, the only 4 stroke rider was Levi Sherwood, who after his first season turned back up on a 2 stroke last year...

This year Nate decided to try for a 'record breaking' 3rd win and this year turned up on a 4 stroke (Honda - yes be afraid, be very afraid, hondas have not been involved in Xfighters since they stopped selling 2strokes - and watch the rest of this post to find out why)

First episode in Dubai, Adams wasnt very good and he didnt land his jumps very well he was all over the place, he was given 3rd overall.

Today I watched the Brazil stage (second event) Adams got to the final on his 4 stroke with Robbie Maddison and Maddison KILLED HIM - Madison was faultless in his run with some amazing tricks, Adams didnt do anything to match Maddison, just to make it CLEAR the comentator was saying as it happened that Adams didnt get his tricks out as they should have, I have it playing here on record - this is the comentator during Adams Final run 'oh but that weak cliffhanger flip he's still bent at the waist I dont know why he's having troubles maybe the switch to the 4 stroke has kind of changed the game for him a little bit' - 'here he takes off the arms but watch this, he checks the bars, that counts against him when you saw the stage dive from Maddison no bar check he just landed it - I dont really think Nate has executed the last couple of tricks that well but this one certainly huge with the sidewinder'

Does that sound like the commentary from the winner of the final????  noooo - but guess what he won. oh what a suprise. Why? oh apparently after all his mistakes (maddison did none) he pulled a few old school tricks in the last 30 seconds which clinched the win. BOLLOCKS! Nate Adams FAILED FAILED FAILED but he won the event.

Anyone who said about the conspiracy theries not being right, well guess what - we are watching a great example of a 2 stroke dominated event being wretchedly taken over by this 4 stroke CRAP - so I wanted to let you all know - (and its Honda doing it) - with Nate Adams in tow - I really hate that he did this.

Anyway this is 100% for real so I can hopefully find some youtube links to show you this abomenation so you can see for yourself!!!

General Two Stroke Talk / Help Needed For Engine Oil
« on: August 05, 2011, 12:47:44 PM »
Hi everyone

I posted a while back about what type of engine oil to have in my KX250 and I think it was 10/40 oil recomended but when I was looking on ebay its not clear which is for wet clutch and most of the motorcycle stuff says '4 stroke' and I wasn't sure if they have a wet clutch also.

The price of the 10/40 tuff was around the same price as some specialist stuff on ebay which said it was GP10-2-STROKE-GEARBOX-OIL pls see below

but when I got it delivered it is just Putoline GP10 gearbox oil, no mention of 2 stroke, it says itds SAE 75W but doesnt mention anything about wet clutch or the 10/40W

Also I read on some other forums that this stuff may contain anti-friction modifiers that can kill wet clutches

Anyway I was hopin someone could tell me if I'm best sending this stuff back as the label is different to what was advertised and Im not sure its best thing to put in my bike and I want the best for it! :)


Suzuki TS250/185 you are a legend keep up the good work

To Whom It May Concern,

I bought my GP Pass for the American Round at Glen Helen but was dissapointed to see that there aren't any of the 125cc races running.

Since I'm generally only interested in the 125cc races featuring as they do the more exciting 2 stroke machines, I wanted to ask you to provide me with a complete listing of the future GP events which include the 2 stroke 125cc action.

I will purchase my GP Pass in future for only those events, as I'm not interested in the 100% 4 Stroke events which are quite boring by comparison.

Thank You,

Jim Hart


It will beat the two stroke in only one type of race....

Back to the dealer for major service.

And that most probably holds true even if the contest we're talking about is the type of slanted field that get's Davey Coombs and the rest of the brown-nosed corporate servants and the empty talking heads on the industry dole all wet in the sweats, 125 2T vs. 250 4T.



General Two Stroke Talk / Re: Rumours,Rumours!
« on: April 30, 2011, 05:14:06 AM »
Why would it have to be a DFI 2 stroke. What's so exciting about DFI 2 strokes?

Nothing's exciting about them if you ask me. The 2 stoke line from Husaberg and the KTM150 are way more exciting than some neutered, phseudo 2 stroke with a computer controlled faux power curve.

The real 2 strokes we have now are exciting race machines. I'm not all hyped up to start moving into the boring catagory presently occupied by the fuel injected 4 stroke dirt conveyors being marketed to suckers now in place of motocross bikes....

No thanks hippies... You can keep that gargage!
exactly! who needs DI. not me i like my carb just fine


General Two Stroke Talk / Re: freestyle is going 4 stroke..arghhhhhh
« on: March 16, 2011, 04:12:21 AM »
Sorry I didnt respond sooner....I was busy at the Indy SX all day.

not callin any1 out personally here but my distaste comes from this whole "lazy" approach to riding a motorcycle. Honestly who rides to be lazy? Ahhh yes lets just cruise in third around a race track sounds like alot of fun ppl's outlook on hard work these days is just down right embarrassing. I dont know about yall but I dont feel safe riding on the same track as some1 who wants to ride lazy. Anyways flame on that was my rant for today!

Since this was obviously directed towards me I guess Ill respond accordingly. 'Lazy' is a figure of speach I used being sarcastic. I know for a fact I can "lazily" lug my 450 around in 3rd and still run faster lap times than if I was working my ass off on a 2 stroke. I dont know about YOU....but I dont feel safe riding something I have to shift on a face of a jump spinning the tire the whole way off praying it stays straight.

The latest batch of 4Ts is damaging the sport,one look at sales figures and race attendance will tell you that.

How is race attendance damaged? I just got home from a sold out stadium were 65,000 people came to watch those sport damaging thumpers race. The downward spiral of the economy had absolutly nothing to do with 4 strokes.

He's just yankin your chain  :D Just stand back and look at the humor in it.

He's not being humerous, hes being a jerk. He was also obviously the person who set up the fake profile a while back to troll on my postes....he just about repeated word for word browntrout620 posted before he got banned.. Check the IP adress and I bet a $1 Im right

P.S. On a side not Id like to say our local hero, Ryan Sipes got his first win tonight. He's a perfect example of someone who enjoys riding 2 strokes but races 4 strokes. Flame on guys, flame on. I love it  ;D

wish you'd bore off

General Two Stroke Talk / Re: Just Wanted To Say.............
« on: February 07, 2011, 08:01:25 AM »
Watch the equal signs there.  Mathematically speaking, you just said "4-strokes = me happy."  More accurate would be:

Equal Displacement = No Handicaps = 2-Strokes Rule = Me Happy
4-Strokes = Landfill

haha well well spotted :D

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