Last winter I rebuild my son's Honda 400ex. The swingarm bolt was seized to the cases requiring a hydraulic press for removal. Unfortunately I have never removed the swingarm on my katoom simce I've owned the bike (4 years)
After dealing with my son's last winter, I knew it had to be taken care of... I removed the rear wheel, shock, and the swingarm nut. With a slight tap with the hammer, she moved... all it took was a few taps and it came right out...
out... I couldn't believe my luck. The heim joint is like new, the bearing still had grease in them... All I need to do it re-grease and and reinstall.
I need to replace the steering steem bearing so while I have it down, I think a re-spray of the frame may be in order.
What's the point of this post.... after dealing with the frozen / seized bolts of the Honda, its such a nice surprise when things go as planned...