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Author Topic: Seem's that two-stroke fans are not the only ones unhappy with the AMA!!!  (Read 5913 times)

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Offline JohnN

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Here's a quote from Chad Reed from Racer X. He was talking about the knee jerk reaction of the AMA penalizing him for pushing Stewart's head after the Pheonix crash. Of course it turns out that in the crash Reed's hand was broken and he was pushing him to get off his hand!!


Let's see, the AMA is angering fans, privateer racers and now the top level pros.... does anyone else think it's time for a change???

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Offline Cable Stretcher

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I am thankful that our series is not under the AMA, I love to race but I will not give the American Mafia Association one penny of my money.  They have been currupted for as long as I have been involved with MX.  The sadest part is how they treat privateers and that the poor privateers are so blinded by the excitement that they are PRO riders that they dont even see it.  I also enjoy how it was not even a issue that James knocked over Chads bike in the pits.  If that had been a privateer or anyone else and it had been J$'s bike they would have been band for life.  That child can slam into Kevin or whoever he wants and there is not a word said but let someone start to give some of wat he is serving and oh no they are just out to get him.

.......... I'm stepping off of my soap box, sorry for the rant.

Offline 2smoker

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hahahaha  :D

Listen to the interview! CHad Reed is saying that AMA is completely incompetent and useless.!LOL
« Last Edit: January 21, 2010, 03:40:08 PM by 2smoker »
Formula over substance will ALWAYS sell more.

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Al Ludington AMA Pro Racing Technical Director. LOL!
« Last Edit: January 21, 2010, 03:56:15 PM by 2smoker »
Formula over substance will ALWAYS sell more.

Offline offroader

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That rider is a lot better person then me.I would knocked that guy out ama ref or not. >:D

Offline westsiderippa

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here is an interview with bubba from transworld.

Offline Cable Stretcher

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That video is exactly what I am talking about.  Privateers in the eyes of the AMA are less than the dirt (or in his case the pavement) that they ride on.  Here is a fun fact that the AMA doesn't pay attention to, that privateer paid the same entry fee that the factory rider did, and most of the time it came out of that privateers own pocket not some huge corprate fund that they will write off as advertising when it comes time for taxes.

The rider should have put a wrench to that jerks head, it would have been his last race but one of the most satisfying too.

Offline Cable Stretcher

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Oh yeah, I watched Jame's so called apology, "like I was like trying to avoid hitting windam (which he did in the main) and thats what caused my first wreck, it was really no ones fault"  "I might of over reacted and let my emotions get the best of me when I went into reeds pits and """bumped""" over his bike, that was the first time that I have ever done that" (BS) 

Offline westsiderippa

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found this post on another site, great interview with ricky johnson about his thoughts on these 2 babies after phoenix, lol.

Offline JohnN

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I read the RJ interview and remember the video of the AMA "official".... it really doesn't show our sport in the best light.

Honestly when I watched the crash of Reed and Stewart, my first reaction was ... oh no! This is bad. I may not be popular for saying so, but Reed didn't do anything wrong in that corner. It was just racing... I did ask, why would Reed push Bubba's head like that? But didn't think too much of it, because it wasn't like he punched him or anything.

Plus I remember when Bubba crashed into the back of RC at Unadilla, and RC basically picked up Bubba's bike and threw it... you could tell he was really mad.

This whole situation has been made ridiculous by all the arm chair quarterbacks here on the Internet. It's amazing that folks project so much into a simple race accident. Too bad they didn't use all this energy to do something positive for motocross racing instead.

In this case the AMA has shown itself to be extremely biased. The unfortunate part is that it is not the first, nor will it be the last time they do something so blatantly, biased. No questions asked, if any other racer in the series did what James did in the pits they would have been suspended and fined.

How about applying the rules fairly for all??
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Offline Helmut Clasen

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Re: Seem's that two-stroke fans are not the only ones unhappy with the AMA!!!
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2010, 11:36:03 AM »
Here's a quote from Chad Reed from Racer X. He was talking about the knee jerk reaction of the AMA penalizing him for pushing Stewart's head after the Pheonix crash. Of course it turns out that in the crash Reed's hand was broken and he was pushing him to get off his hand!!


Let's see, the AMA is angering fans, privateer racers and now the top level pros.... does anyone else think it's time for a change???

I used to be a AMA member for many years because of racing in the USA.
To race Vintage I am a member in the AHRMA organisation as well.After I learnt what the AMA did to the AHRMA I quit the AMA and will not be a member anymore until drastic changes are happening.

3xSACHS MC-GS 250 1977
1xHercules GS 250  1976
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1xZuendapp GS 125 19072-73