Two Stroke Motocross

Two Stroke Motocross Forum => Open Forum => Topic started by: Charles Owens on November 07, 2010, 07:07:03 PM

Title: Venting - Stress Relief
Post by: Charles Owens on November 07, 2010, 07:07:03 PM
Had a real close call.
Owning a primarily internet based company requires 1 main ingredient. A fast reliable intenet connection..
Here's the issue(s) I had. Some of you know I moved to the new house/shop. It is awesome, except for 1 thing.. Nothings ever easy right?

When we moved in we had satelitte internet installed, (the only option at the time).. Wow, I was guessing slow and mostly reliable..
1. Limited bandwidth.. It gets used by 8:30am.
2. Very unreliable.
3. slooooow uploads that usually timeout.
It would be ok for random home browsing/minimal e-mail etc.
Not Doable for an intenet business/Media junkie. :)
So I came very close to having to move.. again.. or shut down the company, instead of the large expansion that was in progress..
We checked EVERY possible source for high speed.. reliable or not.
We looked into internet providers for the area before we moved, but Hughesnet assured us they could provide the bandwidth I needed... Yeah.

Comcast. We know they dont service here, it stops 1.1 miles down the road.. We requested the survey option to have them run a line. They said just over 100K to excavate and install the line.  Next.
Verizon DSL. Not Available.
We tried contacting a few private companies.. no luck
Last option. Looked into some business High speed options, the prices have come down a lot from the last time I looked at them, years ago.
The price is more than I wanted to be paying for internet, but considering the alternative it is well worth it.
So it is ordered and to be installed by the 15th.
A full duplex T-1. :)
For those that know what that is, I'm sure you know how excited I am.  ;D
That was a huge problem solved, with an awesome solution. :)

Anyway.. sorry had to vent.
I've been too stressed to ride.. gotta go ride tommorrow. :D
Title: Re: Venting - Stress Relief
Post by: cmiller493 on November 07, 2010, 08:31:47 PM
The things I would do for T-1  :D
Title: Re: Venting - Stress Relief
Post by: Charles Owens on November 07, 2010, 08:57:12 PM
Yeah. :)
It is about $500 less per month than the last time I checked 10 years ago.
The free install and equipment is what made it doable.
Can't wait to get back on PSN :D
Title: Re: Venting - Stress Relief
Post by: JohnN on November 08, 2010, 04:32:27 AM
It never ceases to amaze me how things work out! From one of the worst ways to attempt to be online to one of the best in one fell swoop!

Congratulations on the T-1....

Title: Re: Venting - Stress Relief
Post by: Charles Owens on November 08, 2010, 07:21:20 AM
Haha, you said it.
I'm just happy I can keep doing what I'm doing, and move forward as planned. :)
Title: Re: Venting - Stress Relief
Post by: SachsGS on November 08, 2010, 07:23:41 AM
I remember the early days of Dial Up and trying to sell stuff on Ebay, I'd be loading my last photo and the connection would break or time out.Argggg,I'd have to start all over. :'(
Title: Re: Venting - Stress Relief
Post by: Coop on November 08, 2010, 09:15:10 AM
Congrats! I am glad you don't have to move or close up shop. That's awesome news.
Title: Re: Venting - Stress Relief
Post by: Charles Owens on November 08, 2010, 09:17:57 AM
You feel my pain, that is exactly what's happening to me.
Hopefully only a few more days of it!

Thanks Coop! Let me know if you want any of those 125/250 pistons for anything.
If you do, just msg me an address and I'll send them as soon I can dig them out.