Two Stroke Motocross

Two Stroke Motocross Forum => Photos & Videos => Topic started by: citabjockey on April 28, 2013, 04:52:50 PM

Title: Thickest Mud you have ever seen...
Post by: citabjockey on April 28, 2013, 04:52:50 PM
I understood the old Blackwater enduro was pretty bad in this regard. Anyone ridden that? Other vids/pics with lots of the sucky stuff?

This is from a local marathon (not really a marathon -- just 45 min -- thank god) a couple years back at a track that is now closed. I showed up to run vintage on my then new-to-me 1976 MX125 Yamaha. The bike had no airbox -- just a pod filter. I figured it would drown on the first lap but thought it would be fun anyway.

Anyway, very few riders showed and of those that did some 10 to 20% never bothered to unload. On my start line there was one other vintage bike -- a Maico 450 (I think). I figured I stood a good chance of getting 2nd in the race. The course was not well marked and the contant rain was putting which little ribbon there was down on the ground. We were on the same line as the kids. We all got lost but finally get that sorted out. Video at the bottom.

Mud with thick enough to lock up my front wheel between the forks at times! But that 35 year old 125 kept screaming through it all! never drowned. And because Mr Maico died on the first lap (and I completed the 45 min) I took home the 1st place hardware. LOL.

The bike:

The parking lot (some guys needed a tow to get out of there, I needed to put my truck in 4wd):


My Go Pro -- the "race" really starts about 1:50 min into it when we figure out where the course runs! You can seem me going slow through the water on the first lap to protect the air filter. One the 2nd lap I said screw it.

Some bystander video I took after loading up my bike:

Fun day! (except when it came time to clean the bike)

Title: Thickest Mud you have ever seen...
Post by: nom de guerre on April 28, 2013, 05:05:01 PM
that is some insane mud! I would have been part of the 10-20% probably... pretty cool that you and the bike persevered!
Title: Thickest Mud you have ever seen...
Post by: SachsGS on April 28, 2013, 08:25:35 PM
Raced in lots of mud (muskeg) offroad events here in western Canada. One race my Husky was buried in roots and muck and I was about to say @#$% it when I heard wolves howling - great incentive to get unstuck! Another race the mud bog crossings sometimes had channels dug across them by beavers, you could never banzai the bog because you might hit a 3 foot deep trench hidden in the muck.
Title: Thickest Mud you have ever seen...
Post by: citabjockey on April 28, 2013, 11:08:26 PM
I can't think of a time where I was incentivized by wildlife (excepting for parking in spots reserved by rattle snakes).  :o

Raced in lots of mud (muskeg) offroad events here in western Canada. One race my Husky was buried in roots and muck and I was about to say @#$% it when I heard wolves howling - great incentive to get unstuck! Another race the mud bog crossings sometimes had channels dug across them by beavers, you could never banzai the bog because you might hit a 3 foot deep trench hidden in the muck.
Title: Thickest Mud you have ever seen...
Post by: _X_ on April 29, 2013, 12:15:51 AM
good job citab. see maico breako.