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Memorial Holiday Weekend... who is riding this weekend and where

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It's a holiday weekend here in the states...  Who it riding this weekend???

My wife is traveling to see her family and leaving me behind...   :(  So I'm planning on making the best of it and planning on a solo rife Friday, and a group ride Monday...   :D ;D ;) 

Poker run for us on Saturday in Shelton, WA.

If that goes well then Vintage MX on Sunday in Toutle, WA.

Monday, probably staying in bed but my buddy with a private track want's me to come out there... So depends on how well my fitness holds up.

Have fun!


Crap, it's been over a month since I have been on the bikes. Definitely will be at the wick 338. Saturday OP and Sunday MAC racing.

Took the new 3 honey back to our club where we held the XC race. I decided to run the race loop..  well due to the rain during the race let’s say that course was really beat up. It kicked my ass... deep peg rubbing ruts, with exposed tree roots made for a tough ride.

I was busting down a trail when I realized  I missed a turn. I took a shortcut to get back on the course unfortunately I went into an area that was like a swamp. It took over an hour for me to extradite the bike from the sludge. I had to stand on a log while I worked to get the bike loose from the suction of the mud. If I stepped off the log I’d sink up to the top of my boots. The mud was so thick it tried to pull my boots off.   I had to lay the bike down and sit on it to break the suction of the mud. After dragging it out onto solid ground, let’s just say I was beyond spent. 

Oh well, a day on the bike (even dragging it out of the mud) is better than a day at work.

Monday my son and I were able to get out for a few hours.  He hasn't touched his bike since last November.  As we're unloading I said you'd better make sure it starts before we gear up...  His comment... Come on... it's a smoker, it will start within 5 kicks.  As he's kicking I counted 5 and then asked is the choke on? Opps. nope...  2 more and she fired up... and ran prefect even on the old stale gas.  His bike never missed a beast, ran perfect all day.  Show me a stroker then can do that.

It's funny as every time we'd stop he'd pull out his phone and check his messages.  He was emailing / texting his boss about work, and to his fiance about their son.  (the poor kid hadn't pooped in 4 days).  After we put in a few good hours, I asked if he was ready to leave..  he was yea, I'm worried about Johnny and hate the idea of leaving him with his mom without any support... although I really did need to get out and ride...  (FYI little Johnny had a massive blowout Monday afternoon, I guess the prune juice did its job)

So to sum it up, yep I got to ride twice this week... I'm tired, I'm sore and in the end, yes it was awesome.   8)

Attached is a pick of my son... ready to tear it up...


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